So wait. Him saying essentially “Don’t compare white people with Tucker Fucking Carlson” to you somehow registers as a Carlson apologist?
There is no such thing as “reverse racism.” There is ONLY racism.
I remember when Hori used to make genuinely top-of-the-line *expensive* stuff, but now with cheaper alternatives with skimmed features, they’re basically like the new MadCatz.
You just wrote an entire column about it. :|
Have a star! Have another star from my roommie’s account whose laptop I just shanghaied!
Because among all those other heinous deeds, by working them to death with wages that are next to nothing, they also ensure they receive no real education.
We have an unsung hero somewhere in there.
Breitbart Editor in Chief Alex Marlow has yet to respond to my email asking how he hopes to turn things around.
By all means. Please. Try and draw and write twenty pages of an ondoing comic every week for at least 6 months non-stop.
This man is actively going after the LGBTQ community, and has released a children’s book under a press that actively tries to convert LGBTQ peoples.
If any CW show has a chance of getting canned this year, it’s Arrow. It’s seriously been slugging behind in the ratings and reviews.
I always found monsters charming. :3
Clicks, my man. Hate gets more clicks than praise.
You people need to watch Chuck.
Nice. Everything checks out on my end. :3
“Social Courage” is what one must have when one does not have either: