
When we were younger and dumber we used to purposely swing the chairs. Then the liftees and ski patrol would yell and threaten to take our passes, so we stopped. I also got smarter.

The chair closest to them (on the downhill line, empty) isn’t swinging because it’s right next to the tower (no slack in the line) and there’s no weight in it. The chair behind them on the same uphill line is also swinging, albeit not quite as violently because it doesn’t look like there’s anybody in it. Weight in the

Ah yes, I forgot about that. I guess the blue I’m used to seeing for water is a very light blue (then again 99% of the water containers I’ve used/seen are plastic and usually clear or a see-through blue tint).

The cans should also be color coded - it’s usually red for gasoline, yellow for diesel and tan/black/blue for water.

For God’s sake man move somewhere warmer

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Vancouver is a solid 5 miles from the nearest OR neighborhood across the Interstate bridge, unless you live in Jantzen beach, in which case I’m sorry (and it’s still 3 miles). Traffic on the Interstate bridge is terrible nearly all hours of the day, AND gas is about 10%

Ah, thanks I missed that. I actually drove from SF to Portland this past week - 10.5 hours in the car and only crossed one state line.

Because it’s targeted at towns under 40k people, my guess would be the vast majority of those people were born in that town, will die in that town and rarely (if ever) leave the state.

If you have a Chase Sapphire you also get National Emerald Club for free

This x1000. I grew up in Portland. It snows and sticks maybe once every five years - everybody is just stressed because last year was awful. When it does snow, there aren’t enough plows to keep the roads going, and it’s so wet and heavy it often ices over.

I feel like citing a Reddit user is like using Wikipedia on your college essay. Yeah, we all do it, but maybe you shouldn’t readily admit that.

You have FOUR 90s Chrysler minivans? I think we finally found someone with an obsession that rivals David Tracy’s

I’m looking forward to more normal-looking EV’s, or even EV as an option on an existing body (a la the Golf E). I’m sick of these stupid ‘Volts’ and ‘Bolts’ and ‘Leafs’ that look ridiculous. I would 100% buy a Bolt if it didn’t look like a Smart car fucked a Fiesta

By law, the technology is supposed to be installed on all passenger trains by 2018, but that deadline has been pushed back by rail agencies who’ve said it’s become complicated to implement, reports Reuters.

Oh I totally misread that. 27 miles seems pretty short - 13.5 each way? I drive 40 a day and I have one of the better commutes in my office.

This doesn’t surprise me. The general population knows very little about cars and fuel - I once had a woman ask me what kind of gas to put in her rental Ford Flex hybrid (my response was ‘anything but diesel’).

What’s funny is that, even with an average commute, you only get 3 extra miles on a round trip if you don’t have a charger at work. 3 miles! That means you can’t drive to lunch or do ANY errands before or after work. And I hope you have a 240v plug when you get home - cause if you use all 57 miles of range, you’re not

But getting a vehicle running and driving isn’t really the difficult part of a project.

Honestly I’m most surprised that VajazzleMcDildertits managed to make it out of Costco having only spent $100

Not quite. His concern was regarding putting high(er)-speed rail through a busy city (Lakewood) on a track normally used by lower-speed lightrail (Sound Transit). Amtrak trains flying through town at 80 mph obviously poses a risk to pedestrian and/or vehicle strikes at city crossings. This accident appears to be a