
I am an engineer and I’m currently working in an airport. Yay! Public buildings in the modern code era are required to have backup power generators to run a minimum number of lights (like one in five) as well as exit lights (unless they’re tritium, which are self-powered, or have a battery backup; sounds like ATL was

Providing a non-emergency alternative to an ambulance is good, BUT easier transportation to the hospital is going to clog up already overcrowded ER’s.

Millennials have been ruined by the iTunes terms and agreement. Who has time to read all that shit?

Yeah, sue a convicted drug dealer without enough money for their own car. That’ll turn out well. Because all their assets and personal property definitely haven’t also been seized, so they should be able to pay you several thousand dollars quickly and easily. Do you take Venmo?

Nobody’s disagreeing that the citizens owe their initial fines, the argument is that they should be allowed a proper amount of time to re-pay their fines without losing their licenses (and their ability to produce income) or the fines doubling, tripling, etc. These states force poor people into payment plans that

Shelf =/= tailgate. GTFO

I love how your first question isn’t ‘Do they run?’ Because if they do, you probably shouldn’t buy them.

In the long run, premium gas isn’t THAT much more expensive. $.60 per gallon at 12 gallons is $7, if you’re filling once a week that’s $364 a year. Basically one extra car payment. IMO it’s worth the peace of mind.

Yeah Costco gas is great - there are a few near me, but I always pass them up. Why? The lines are ridiculous.

My best advice for anyone buying or financing their first car is to GO SLOW AND ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS. Sleep on it if you have to, the car isn’t going anywhere. When I bought my car (my first) I was pre-approved by Chase but the car I found was about $5k cheaper than my pre-approved rate, so I told the dealer I didn’t

Never forget

The WRX STI is already rated at 305 hp. So you’re paying $8k for 5 hp and some shiny bits? Take a page out of Dodge’s book, Subaru - you’re doing it wrong.

Ah. You’re right - there’s definitely a scene in one of those movies where the captain takes it past the safety depth, and it starts creaking and groaning, popping rivets, but he keeps going. I can’t remember what movie it’s in - I tried Googling everything and got no hits. Maybe Das Boot did it first and then U-571

I also failed that test because he purposely took me through a school zone, where the sign said “20 mph 7 AM - 4 PM”. It was 4:01 PM, so I went 30. I argued with him afterwards - obviously didn’t help. In hindsight, being a smartass was not a good idea.

Das Boot was a forced dive past safety depth... I thought the scene where the captain deliberately takes it down was from U-571? Or maybe Hunt for Red October?

He’s basically saying they’re willing to push the envelope past the guaranteed point of safety. If he can find a driver willing to risk blowing a tire at 299 mph, then go for it.

I actually failed my first driver’s test at the ripe age of 16 and one of my instructor’s comments was that I wasn’t turning into the closest lane. I guess they don’t teach that anymore, huh?

You straddle both left turn lanes? That’s a total dick move, wouldn’t you say? Do what most people do - watch the car next to you and if they drift, honk and slow down. It’s not hard.

Came here to say this. The first five seconds of the video highlights about four cars driving straight through a semi trailer. Maybe they’re low-riders and it’s a lifted trailer?