
Yes that is SUCH a good point to make that I'm not sure I was clear enough on in the post: much like with cleaning seatbelts, first and foremost you want to be sure that you're not compromising the integrity of the fabric/padding/protective materials. Thank you for stating that explicitly!!

Because language has evolved away from your preference?

Should have gone with tamales. That's more plausible.

He can always make a living as a cover model for Der Sturmer.

Now playing

Obligatory Mitchell and Webb... "Are we the baddies?'

i don't get the joke.

^^ File under "generalizing idiot"

Fellow rider here and I have to say:

Yeah, we're all friends with the guy who filmed it...hahahaha

I type. I think my last eye test had me at 20/400. So everyone's really attractive!

Jen, I recently learned that you invited my employee Sam Biddle to a wedding only to disinvite him later. Sam has been reticent to tell me the circumstances, so I'm hoping you could elaborate, and possibly lay some sick burns on Sam in the process. TIA.

As I was reading, I thought, "Well, this is nicely written and all, but it's a bit of a stretch to make a whole article out of it..." Then I saw the Amazon link.

YES! OMG I can't believe you guessed.

This is an old-body C-Class. I'd guess the ad is either for an auto dealer or some kind of automotive service company. No Mercedes-Benz logo at the end = not a Mercedes-Benz commercial.

"Paper or plasti....."

this music is like an anthropologie store meets cupcake shop

Why would anyone who started college after the recession started think about majoring in communications? Are you sure your degree isn't a M.S. in Shitty Choices?

Ahhhh, a double reference! Nicely done, molecular gastrogenius.

As in, Wylie Dufresne, 50 Clinton Street.