
Sounds like one day she just didn't wake up...on the right side of the bed.

You are a giant idiot. I hope you refuse vaccines and die of an easily preventable disease. Shut up forever.

Next craze: Homeopathic banking. You give me all your money save for $.01, but that one penny is worth SO MUCH NOW because FEELINGS.

Don't breed.

Well, your parents are idiots.

#notalltriangles #isosceles #scalene


"At least she was masturbating in the kitchen, where she belongs."

I cringed at that line so hard my testicles hit my brain.

And that, kids, is why we learn to identify poison oak.

Then they shouldn't go out dressed like that. WHORES.

^Someone who HATES jury duty.

I mean, buy me a rohypnol-laced drink first, AMIRITE LAYDEEZ?

C'mon, brah. We deserve better trolls. Up your game.

Janelle Ambrosia is why I'm pro-choice.

pain chocolate pain au chocolat. You're the worst.

Not a gif but

If you love them, set them free of ground beef/lunch meats/shit other than butter/jam/nutella.

Text 'Nisha. She's pretty cool, I'm sure she'll let you have one.

"Ooh, 'brioche' sounds French, so it'll taste delicious on my Royale with Cheese. Wait, scratch that, let's put it on a FUCKING CROISSANT."