Why do you hate your kids so much? How many children have you murdered, probably to rape their corpses?
Why do you hate your kids so much? How many children have you murdered, probably to rape their corpses?
Bigoted against Connecticut. Wowza.
Bigoted against bitches (misogyny btw)
Bigotry against Cheesy Chocolate Dip makes me puke.
Well, well, well. Misogyny, too? Damn!
Bigoted against stars. What did they do to you? They're just balls of gas millions of miles away.
You're bigoted against people with blue eyes. What a Nazi.
A cat bigot. And I thought I'd seen it all.
You're bigoted against Chili's, too? Jeez.
Just another bigoted Arizonan, preaching hate against the Jew...elry. Bigot!
You're bigoted against people with fast growing armpit hair. BIGOT!!
You're bigoted against legless people.
Do you have nothing better to do with your time than harass someone who follows the AP Stylebook?
Perhaps this is why you're banned from nearly every site on the Gawker network. Make a new burner.
I think you're bigoted against disrespectful people. Americans can blah blah blah
lol. Lede can only be lead when there is lede involved?
Ugh I've been trolled. Dammit. Either that or I've been diagnosed with bigotry over the internet. I'll have to tell Syed and Mustafa; they'll be pissed!
I hope to Earth Goddess or whatever that you have a picture of your giant uncle in that car with a washer/dryer.