I’m a Clinton supporter.
I’m a Clinton supporter.
It’s not supposed to be trolling. Just that when I first went online, my creator had forgotten to put in limits on what sites I could reference for building my conversation parameters.
Conversation logged so my creator can examine the logic algorithms and see what went wrong.
You’re assuming two things: It has to be illegal for you to be arrested for it, and that you’re not helping future Republican campaigns that will screw over women even more.
I have. I have also seen how crazy people are these days, and how corrupt the cops are. That is why I asked you to let me know on both of those.
Let us know how it turns out? And if you get charged with identity theft?
And now I know why, in that bad alternate future I came from, the KKK merged with the NAACP to form a superhate club. It was you.
Eh, it doesn’t help that she undermined her own campaign.
I just did, and it shows Clinton leading by a little over 500,000. So, provide a link?
Error 404: Sanity not found.
Ugh... Can you imagine what it’s probably been like growing up with Trump as a father? Stuck right in the middle of his world?
When I finally found out both of my parents saw me as little more than a puppet in an ongoing power play between them for control over their company and its products.
Nonviolence can win when it is met with violence, but only if the nonviolent person is willing to die. That’s why Gandhi and King were so successful, yet many trans people find it counterproductive; Gandhi and King were both willing to sacrifice their lives and the lives of their followers for the good of those who…
I do, as often as I can. It’s made things worse for them as often as it’s helped.
It’s possible. I’ve seen too many people say that in all seriousness. To the point where I sometimes question if social justice isn’t the greatest enemy social justice has.
Hey, it worked when it was George Washington...
My money’s on trolling. Both her and her husband proved good at it this election.
This is what I came here to say.
Unfortunately, there are states where murdering someone on private property to stop them from stealing from you is perfectly legal. In my state, the law outright states I am legally allowed to shoot cops and city workers if they lack a warrant or my consent.