
Dear screenwriters: Stop writing stories about journalists who sleep with sources. You’d think our shared experience as nerdy, workaholic, under-appreciated writers would engender a little more understanding and empathy from their side of things.

I love Meet Joe Black. I cry and cry and cry every time.

You are not alone, my friend.

You are not the only one(!). There’s a lot of beauty in it even if you're not looking for it. I love the way Hopkin's chews his "...mmmmnnn... no." when replying to his daughters' "Haven't you had enough of us yet?"

they should stage it as an immersive theater performance, with the ‘movie’ playing in one area, and johnny reading and interjecting about the manuscript in an adjacent one

Now playing

Every time ‘Meet Joe Black’ gets mentioned I can’t help but think of the scene where there’s a really long dramatic pause and it looks Pitt and Hopkins are going to start making out.

“Come try our new Improbable Chicken!”

Some of these pull quotes sound like they could’ve been from Meet Joe Black.

If subway was smart they’d just sell it as a chicken substitute. I  hear meat substitutes are popular these days. They could even charge a premium for it!

You’ll probably have to either stand on your head or rotate your TV from time to time in order to see what’s happening on the screen.

I’m an... Endgame agnostic (okay no, I’m gonna be honest and admit I hated the movie) after several years of being a huge MCU fan. The movie pushed the theme park thing to such limits that it basically broke the entire MCU for me. It’s never happened to me before, to do a 180º turn on a franchise or series like that.

I’m not sure where I’d rank Endgame among the best superhero movies of all-time, but it’s the one I find myself going back to most frequently. And the hopeless shot, from a distance, of Steve Rogers standing alone on the battlefield preparing to take on the entire army of Thanos, is maybe my favorite single shot in

No mention of Black Widow?  I was surprised by the line that Tony Stark was the only one to sacrifice himself when Widow got fridged.  I loved Endgame but Black Widow’s death was problematic.  It’s one of the primary reasons that girlpower pose feels empty.

In the end, the only one who has to sacrifice himself is Tony Stark.”

In the end, the only one who has to sacrifice himself is Tony Stark,

You may want to look back at your comment on Endgame sacrifices. Although even the film ended up forgetting about Black Widow, one of its few realy mistakes.

Watching Endgame opening night in a packed cinema is probably the best movie-going experience I’ll ever have. I hope they’ll try to top it off tho.

It’s the kind of book where you’ll gleefully set fire to it, only to find it sitting intact on your bedside table the next morning.

i just don’t know how it could even begin to work without huge amounts of voiceover - which would in turn have to somehow become labyrinthine in the way it was being delivered...while still being understandable...

I loved Winter Soldier, but its conspiracy plot was a bit too far-fetched. Nazi sympathisers holding immense political and military power in the 21st-century USA? Whatever, comic books!