

What I’ve found that is a bit interesting, is the motivation aside from the hoax. He did it in part as a joke, but you also look at his place in life - he had graduated high school but struggled with several false starts at college and by 30 had flunked out and felt like his life had hit a dead end, and he says he’d

This show was so good. At first it seemed like it was going to be just a laid-back hang-out show and I was on board for it, but it deepened into a lot more. 

Can’t wait until Season 2! 

Joe Turkel died because it’s Blade Runners’ 40th anniversary? Was that some dark pact Scott imposed on him?

Grappling hook!

Nick said he thought this would be the last real deb season.
Because of everything going on.

Isabel Conklin, affectionately and perhaps inconceivably referred to as “Belly” by everyone in her life.
And her sister Tatiana, affectionately and perhaps inconceivably referred to as “Tits” by everyone in her life.

‘How could the kids fight and Nick Fury not show up?,’” he says of the rift between Captain America and Iron Man. “Like, ‘What’s going on here? Everybody go to your room.’

I’m A Perv

A group of friends and I recently watched Top Gun with another friend who had never seen it (we’re all roughly in the 50-55 age range). I had seen it when it was released (I was 14). Watching it at almost 50 was a very different experience. The film really is utter shit. It is embarrassingly trite and so fully

It was pretty meh at the time and gets remembered fondly for the fact that it had lines that were adopted into popular culture (i.e., beyond the film). It was only a couple of months until most of us wanted to murder anyone who shouted “Show me the money!”... Even typing that shows me that the rage is still there. I

Collateral not even making the top 10 is a crime.

Today We Learned that the “Buy The World A Coke” song was rerecorded with non Coca-Cola lyrics, and 50 years later it appeared in a trailer for a new Resident Evil TV show!

Queued up before the cull. The intent was indeed to leave out of solidarity, so you can imagine my frustration when it got bumped to a run date that was after everyone else from the old guard had already left the building. That said, I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised to see that the piece ended up being

Ben Wheatley called, he wants his schtick back. Though being Garland and not Wheatley, it has a 60% chance of being pretty good.

This is my final feature for The A.V. Club. Thank you all for reading my music writing. It's been such a joy to give the music section the love it deserves.

It's a shame how the powers that be have gutted this site so badly.

Great article about a great episode of a great show.

Wow, I didn’t even know they were doing a second season. Thought the first was great, though.