
I will say this out loud: I don't want John to change so I don't want him to continue to see Iris. I'm afraid that she's going to help him learn to grieve and then he'll get killed because his soul will be at peace. So it makes me very nervous to see her on the cast list. I want him to be better but I don't want

Slightly OT: Although the guest casting has been uniformly excellent across the series, I think the casting office needs to get some fresh air. I kept thinking back to why wasn't Caleb immediately recognizable in his episode. Then I realized that it was because he looked (in manner and dress) exactly like the

I thought of this as Growing Pains. There is a new group dynamic with Shaw's absence and Fusco's promotion to the team and they're trying to find a rhythm. Fusco teasing Harold in the comm - John being the voice of reason, a role that has always been Finch's. No matter what - they are all grieving and none wants to

That literally made me spit out my coffee.

Although Bear could've used a crime-fighting partner…

PLEASE for GOD's SAKE - type the word POSSIBLE SPOILER when you post these descriptions. Some of us go week-to-week and don't want to know what might happen in May.

But that was the point being made in this episode: while your life stops, the rest of life keeps going. Tonight we saw the disjointed, argumentative team that is trying to move on while they are grieving. (I'd never thought I'd see John step in between Fusco and Finch to get them to stop going at each other.) It's

I am amazed that this show has over 1100 comments. Besides The Walking Dead, are there any other shows that generate that much attention?

Do you know where Bear finds a place to stay when he's going out of town? BearBNB.

This first episode could be called The Pub Crawl.
How about The Abbengers?

When Dominic was guessing who was the sniper, he asked Reese if it was one of the brunettes or was it Fusco. But he hasn't seen/met Root has he?

Hence the great use of the descriptive "dialogue" in If-Then-Else.

One thing that works in Elias' favor as far as TM goes is that he has a strong sense of propriety regarding the city of New York. He does provide a sense of order to the criminal chaos. It's what fueled him to get involved with the guns in Pretenders. Whatever other criminal activities that Dominic and Elias

It was so weird that the Caleb reveal was filmed in such a sinister way. Wouldn't we have been happy to see him given his relationship with Finch? Instead, it was filmed like our reaction should be suspect of him. It was weird.

I was so thrown off in the pilot when she was Ms. Classroom Hard Ass but then she cornered Wes in the bathroom and cries about how she and Sam wanted a baby. As individual scenes done with a great actress, they worked well. As two sides of the same person, it didn't. The whole season has been disjointed in that

Caleb's code in 2piR was revolutionary in that it allowed for greater storage capacity (the Library of Congress on a single thumb drive). I wonder where that plays into the story.

I'll bet Finch's number is in there someplace…

It bugs the shit out of me that the actor playing Frank looks like Scott Foley in a bad beard. It's distracting. I keep thinking the guy is doing double duty on Thursday nights.

The biggest problem I have with this show (no, it's not the gigantic plot holes) is that Viola Davis has not figured out how to marry the two sides of AK (harsh defense lawyer vs mushy, childless cryer, student head-stroker). It's either one or the other which she does quite well. But she's not relatable because we

I thought Frank was going to strangle her while Bonnie watched. That's what she has on Frank - the something that is worse than her sleeping with Asher (frankly, this is the first time I actually learned the character's name. I have no idea what the name of the brunette is.)