
I agree. That's how I took it. It was AK who told Frank to take care of it. Bonnie told AK about the girl who came crying because Bonnie knew exactly why she would come to the house. She's not Sam's first. I'm confused with all the talk of Sam ordering the murder.

That was weak. They can find out everything else except who owns a cell number? C'mon.

She did that to manipulate him. She knew all about his mother so she played that card to hypnotize him into accepting Sam as the killer.

I missed something.

You just put your finger on why I found half this episode lacking: it's that Harper's chemistry with the team was really off. She didn't have any. HOWEVER, the chemistry between Reese and Team Dominic was great as was Root's build up to the Caleb reveal.

I loved Ladykiller because of all the great work by Zoe, Shaw, and Carter. So great to see them together. I really liked Judgement too - the one with the judge's kidnapped son. You have to give that one a break because it was only the 3rd ep in the series. I hated Reasonable Doubt because the guest lead actress

Remember Provenance, the one with the Chinese gymnast last year? She was supposed to have gotten pregnant and dropped out of the Olympic team in 2000. That would make her kid 13, not 6. What about the one where they broke in to the fucking UN after getting onto the premises with a cannon or two?! This is nothing

Even under Samaritan capture, if they put mayo on her sandwich, she'll kill someone.

Greer's idea of helping humanity is to kill off people who know too much or could possibly learn too much. A real humanitarian coming from the Kim Jong Un model.

I don't think Root is really looking for recruits. I think she and The Machine need access to Caleb and his software code. I think we'll see her hand over something to the Geek Squad later.

He certainly has a stronger sense of loyalty.

In all fairness, Elias was saved from death by Carter at the end of S2 and he laid low at her behest. So it makes sense in the plot.

If the money can't be deposited, then it shouldn't be taxed.

What I didn't care for is that she had all the answers. She could read them like a book and be exactly right and she was a jerk about it.

Shaw's appetite was always a high point.:(

To be fair, Toke was given the name of an attorney that gave the best Medical Marijuana defense by Matthew Reed in Most Likely To last year. I sense a writer's agenda.;)

"Mr. Reese and I are partners."
"Didn't see that coming."

Oh, I didn't get that at all. The mention of Tillman.

And Fusco referring to Finch as Mr. Peabody. LOLOLOLOLOL

Could we please stop with the spoilers? Or at least provide an alert?