
I didn't know Bill Camp prior to The Night Of but I found him mesmerizing. The woman DA was great too.

ABSOLUTELY underrated. It really makes me laugh hard. Love Louie Anderson.

Person of Interest!!!!!!! AMAZING show. After you've rented The Leftovers, I encourage the board to watch that show on Netflix.

He does. He brings it every time. His physicality along with his vocal dexterity is amazing to watch. So good for him.

Leslie Jones' nod is an abomination. She always flubs her line (they only give her one usually) and is not nomination worthy. She's funny on her own but as an actress, she misses the mark.

Everyone's accents were off this episode. Both Nikki and Gloria showed no sign of one and Ewan slipped into a little Scottish-ness.

Why not appoint Aaron as VP? He would be a good candidate. I thought that's where Kirkman was going. Or do we have a VP yet?

Kirkman is fiction. That's the reason we don't have someone like him in the WH.

The cast hasn't gelled together on Justice. It's incredibly dull.

Why? Doesn't that just put David's life at risk? Or is that too logical for this show?

I'm loving Zoe Perry who is Jeff Perry's daughter with his ex Laurie Metcalf. You can definitely see the resemblance to both her parents. That's an amazing pedigree she got from them and she's more than holding her own.

Why was Jake in David's apartment at the beginning? Did that have a purpose?


There are a lot of shows that have actors listed as series regulars in the beginning credits but are not in all the scripted episodes. Shows do that to save money on the actors' salaries. It's the reason you don't see Palmer on NCIS every week for example or Baez on Blue Bloods or even Scott Caan on Hawaii 5.0. If you

Only on this show does someone forget the murder of their child.

I've missed her a lot this season.

I just want to know if Jimmy took off his watch and left his cell phone in the mailbox before he attacked Chuck. I need to look back at the scene.

When you're constantly being told that other women are more beautiful than you, it stings. So you try to rise above it and tell yourself that you have other qualities ("I'm a character actress" can sometimes do the trick) but when you find yourself in a position to knock a beauty off her pedestal, you might wanna take

Is Mommie Dearest why she hates Faye Dunaway?

Best Supporting Emmy to Jackie Hoffman