Fusco's need to save SOMEBODY was really palpable. At one point in his second convo with Harold, I expected him to say "she saved my kid's life…".
Fusco's need to save SOMEBODY was really palpable. At one point in his second convo with Harold, I expected him to say "she saved my kid's life…".
Now we know that Shaw was not shot in the head.
I love that we know she's alive but Team Machine does not.
Shades of Kara Stanton in the last scene with Shaw and Greer.
It's been a REALLY long three weeks!
Fuck was said many times during the episode. As far as the nudity goes, when the woman was in the steam room, she was covered by the steam in all the right places.
Remember that he interviewed her at the top of the episode and asked her if she felt unsafe being in Fortitude? I think something happened to her prior that is yet to be revealed and she's staying to figure it out. I don't think the rifle was pointed at the sheriff necessarily. It was pointed at whoever was…
The Missing was really, really good. I recommend it.
Forbrydelsen is one of the greatest TV series (all three seasons) I've ever seen and I'm a TV-aholic. I can't understand why the original hasn't found an outlet in the US. I don't have enough superlatives. It's the reason that I started watching Fortitude and I'm really glad I did. I have no idea what's going on…
What happened to the camaraderie between Sherlock and Joan? She seems constantly bothered by him and he's closed off to her because she went out on her own. There is no joy or warmth in this show anymore. It never had a lot of it but they've managed to negate the little they had.
I loved when he was on LOST. He was wearing that jumpsuit that they were all wearing and he looked like a large Oompa Loompa.
The producers made the sound ambiguous on purpose. Is it a gunshot or is it the door closing? Only time will tell.
Yet Reese said the surveillance video was unreadable. So did the Machine manipulate the video to save them from the heartache of seeing Shaw shot?
Not according to Finch.
Control has always assumed that Samaritan was only seeking terrorists. She thought they both had the same objective. That's basically being on the same side.
I smell spinoff!
Hey, you're leaving out Kevin Chapman who is the perfect Fusco. I adore that character (and I have a little crush on KC). And Sarah Shahi has knocked it out of the park as well. I wish this show was up for Best Ensemble for the SAG awards instead of that stupid Homeland.
It would've been funny to see them argue over who was going to use it.
The computer guys were in Detroit and only NY numbers pop up for TM.
Oh no!!!!!!! We have to wait THREE weeks, not two! Next episode is Feb 3rd. FUCK!