Oh man, that sucks. That means she's lost her job. :(
Oh man, that sucks. That means she's lost her job. :(
I've never gotten a whiff of fear from Root about Reese. I think she's always thought of him as the dumb muscle to the intelluctually superior Finch (and her, of course). It's why she always referred to him as the Helper Monkey.
That would be a great twist if it were done in a realistic way (family couldn't afford cochlear implant or something). Because Samaritan can't cure deafness even though it thinks it's God.
Doesn't Greer already provide that?
I love how people on this board have become fans of the specific writers on the show. It adds to the fandom.
If they'd said that they'd taken Bear to a farm upstate, there would've been rioting.
By having the truck available, does that mean that Samaritan planned all along to capture TM, not kill?
It would've kept her blood loss to a minimum by lowering her body temp.
You mean it dropped from 1.7 to 1.6, right? They still had 10 million viewers and that's just the overnights.
Check ebay for cheap DVDs.
That is a GREAT question. I thought the Nautilus winners were the Samaritan agents in the field but that must not be true. We already know that the guys in this episode wrote code to affect climate change. And wasn't Claire responsible for hacking the security company that was going to build another machine? It…
What the fuck?! Why do these actors keep giving stuff away?
Oh. As Roseanne Roseannadanna says: Never mind.:)
I looked up Theodora Woolley's resume on her website and it says nothing about being a stunt person.
Oh, right. Good catch!
I am not a fan of him. I'm reluctant to stick with a show with him as a major character. I'll just have to wait and see.
Next week is the State of the Union speech so we don't get a new episode for two weeks.
Lying bastards!
Until they interrogated Control, TM had no idea she was in the dark. Based on her previous access to the intelligence, they assumed she knew everything.
The elevator could be in a no-camera zone so The Machine couldn't have told them. EDIT: After I rewatched the episode, I realized that there was surveillance footage that Reese said was unreadable. So that leaves it open as to whether there was a camera there or not.