Control and Samaritan are supposedly on the same side. Why would Control suspect that they had turned on her before this incident?
Control and Samaritan are supposedly on the same side. Why would Control suspect that they had turned on her before this incident?
Samaritan is an open system. Remember Finch warning the congressman last season about it? He said it meant that anyone's information could be sold to the highest bidder. The Machine is closed in that it only gives the numbers.
This was Reese's first in-person encounter with Control, right?
I hope they're just punking us with the Shaw's-taking-two-years-off bullshit.
Loved the completely apropos title of the episode. We are rebooting the mission once again. Love it.
Maybe the Machine arranged for it to be there.
Ahhh, Bear. :(
The Machine needs to provide a shadow map of DC for Control.
Maybe they want him to be like Bieber so people will hate him.;)
I think he knows about Samaritan only. I think TM is keeping him in the dark about the Machine for his own safety. We haven't heard him reference anything about it. Fusco doesn't typically ask questions about stuff he doesn't want to know about. He didn't even ask Lucy and Ethel why they were in the truck.
What about Wingman? The entire episode was his practically. And Fusco has had the addition of Reese as his partner which is ripe for good copy.
I think we'll see other females show up as substitutes for Shaw like the IAB cop and Claire. And there's always the psychiatrist who will help with the female quotient.
It was great that it was used for Shaw's benefit this time. They did a great job of doing call backs to the previous Shaw episodes.
Samaritan can't see Riley. But that's a good point. Based on his height and the suit plus shooting the security guard in the knee, it might alert his captain. SPOILER ALERT: In the preview for next week, Silva (the IAB cop) is in it. I wonder if she'll be investigating Reese.
At least we know that POI will keep that element more realistic than 24. I have faith that they won't betray us by going off in that direction.
That's the bed that Control and the senator have lied down in. They gave the feeds to Samaritan knowing it was an open system and then stood by when Decima was dismantled.
That's how I feel about Martine. The actor just doesn't work for me.
I suddenly feel the desire to watch "Relevance" again.
If you listen really carefully to last week's episode, the sound at the end could have easily been the elevator doors shutting. They made the sound specifically obtuse to leave the door open.
Never mind.