
I think a lot of it was spoiled by the trailers for the episode. They practically gave away the whole storyline. I wish they wouldn't do that. I'm going to avoid them from now on.

That's a very good question considering that Samaritan's new goal is to find The Machine.

But he didn't tell them that he wouldn't be around until he was already in Hong Kong. I think he went on his own because he didn't want them to worry.

Ugh. God, no. Like I said below it would turn into a fight between Root and John for Shaw and that's so substandard for this show.

She was Gretchen on Breaking Bad. I wish people wouldn't do that. I got so confused when people were calling Link the name from The Wire.

I loved the look between Fusco and John after Scarface killed the armorer. They just had to let it go which is not in their DNA.

Jessica Hecht played Harold's psychiatrist in The Devil's Share. I knew they would bring her back. I have a question though: does she have it in her contract to only wear white suit/dresses?

I was surprised by the Finch storyline. I knew he was there for a TM purpose but I didn't know what. AND he lied to Shaw about why he was there. I think the Machine set up Harold to write the paper/speech in order to draw her to him.

I think Harold was soliciting information from her that he will use when he has access to her laptop. Euler ID (I've never heard about it before) may be the key to her algorithms that Samaritan is so interested in.

How interesting that Harold lied to Sameen about his reason for being in Hong Kong. I wonder what that's about. Is he trying to see what's on her laptop before he alarms Team Machine?

He doesn't like harsh language like that.

I don't think they will ever put Reese and Shaw together. They both like to have dalliances and then leave. If they hookup, they would never get away from each other and we would all hate that. Plus Root would be mad as hell and to have John and Root fight over Sameen is below the standard of this show. Just bring

The Finch/Beth Bridges storyline made me very scared for Team Machine. They are flying really close to the sun that is Samaritan with his involvement with her. I fear for them.

I think he was pretending to be charmed in order to get close to her.

I don't get the Jack Forge joke. What's the reference?

I have to go with a A-/B+ for this episode. I think they gave us a lighthearted POI plot while setting up the darkness that is to come. The darkness that Root referred to last week (so she was in the episode - not in body but in spirit).

I thought Finch was going to turn around and see Beth with Greer.

I think Cara Buono (the Samaritan operative) is miscast. I'm just not feeling her as that character and I think she's a wonderful actress. I wish they'd cast someone less well known like they did with Dominic. I like Jamie Hector as Link but the character is so close to his role on The Wire it's hard to meld him

And she was shot before she even had a chance to answer. I wonder if Samaritan said to kill her in blondie's ear because it could see ahead.

If Nate Silver was suddenly proved wrong, it would topple his integrity and his career. It's the same for Simon.