
Seeing Greer in this episode made me fearful. And it's only going to get worse.

It was really a tossup. MMc may have been good on TD but Cranston's performance in Ozymandias is one for the ages.

So Harold home-schooled TM?

It is dreadful for all the reasons I list above. The biggest problem they have is the relying on very tired cliches - the gambler in the pork pie hat, the fat guy operating as the cowardly lion, the dark Asian chick, the kid genius with a waitress mom - and the scripts are positively AWFUL.

Oh, right! The intro of Jessica. has been a rich experience from day 1.

Heresy!! ;) First of all, the biggest difference between Scorp and POI is that POI has good actors, great characters, and well-written scripts. Scorp has none. The scripts have been tight on POI since the pilot which not only set up the show's premise but also the HR arc. The second ep (girl not shot on boat) was

Yes! POI of the week!

We don't know if she died, do we?

Finch saw TM as his creation and gave it a moral compass. I think that Arthur didn't make it a priority in his process like Finch did. I think he intended to get to it later but was shut down.

It's interesting that Arthur didn't infuse Samaritan with the same moral compass.

I'm not quite sure I understand why Finch told Root The Machine doesn't care about them especially given how much TM has done to protect the group in the new Samaritan world (the identities, the money from the Latvian mob, the new location, etc). I've always thought of TM as benevolent in that way (as Shaw said in

At the end of Death Benefit (the kill the Congressman episode), they showed McCourt thinking hard about what he'd just done and whether pushing Samaritan through was the right thing to do. Now that there's been an election where McCourt is/may not be the only elected rep doing Samaritan's bidding. McCourt might

The POI (who is pretending to be a cop I think) asking Reese how he gets his voice to do that floored me. LOLOLOLOL

Since her relationship with Hannah growing up.

I'm so glad that I didn't notice Brett Cullen's name in the credits at the top of the show. It was a nice surprise to see that there is still more to the creation story.

Carter wasn't.

Carrie Mathieson doing what it takes to turn and keep an asset. You GO girl!

I am crushing on Kevin Chapman. One of my favorite moments from last season was when Fusco was on the phone with John after Fusco had turned the janitor over to Root. His delivery of the line "What was I supposed to say? Sorry, boss. Agent King is really a super-powered nutball - just ask my buddy, the Urban

To protect him. The less he knows the better for his own safety.

I think she's a dominatrix.