
What's the deal with throwing away the badge in the trash? She's gonna need that again I think.

I thought it was terrible which surprised me because I've seen her do some great NY dialects on L&O.

Wouldn't that be Hersch-She?

Don't send him packing yet. You're only guessing at what you think the endgame might be. You could be wrong.

Where do these ideas come from? Here's an idea: maybe he's having a great time. Because that's how it looks on camera.

Reasonable Doubt's female POI's voice drove me nuts. The actress is so good on Episodes but in each POI scene her voice got higher and higher until I heard glass breaking.

Rosie Benton (Lennox) made the mistake of trying to be the female Caveziel. She almost disappeared from the screen from her lack of energy. It just didn't work for her.

The episode just wasn't as taut as I have come to expect. It was clumsy, like they tried to edit in cohesion that wasn't apparent on the page. I especially eyerolled at the lean-in-and-almost-tell-Elias part of the narrative. But this show is allowed to have its missteps given that it delivered so well on the first

Who is Andre?

My recommendation is to watch the whole series. But my two cents on these lists:
Ep5 is where we find out who the head of HR is but it's at the end. But it's a really fun episode as John tries navigating a date with a reporter. Zoe makes an appearance.
Ep6 is a definite. Great episode. Zoe-time again.
Ep10 is a

Who is Marlo? And are you talking about Andre, the comic book store guy?

I missed that. I have to rewatch.

Anybody else ready for an episode where Taylor is the POI?

As every episode builds on the character relationships, I say watch it all. Season 3 is amazing but I absolutely hated "Provenance" (the Asian gymnast) and "Allegiance" (I just didn't believe the whole break into the UN thing). But they did have small kernels that build the story. I would definitely rewatch them

This show is so good at tying threads together and bringing stories full circle. How they managed to end Vigilance and start Samaritan by weaving them together was positively masterful. Tonight's episode brought up Fusco's old life as a corrupt cop and how that story came full circle. Several threads referenced

Absolutely love that!

The more it invades their lives this way, the more alive it becomes. It seems like a natural transition to call her "she". That is how an AI moves in without people even realizing it.

That is one large container of Plan B's. LOLOLOLOL John is going to be so thrilled. Shaw is likely to drool.

This is certainly a show that respects its women characters and apparently women in general. The episode last season with Carter and the Southie guy's date was all about men making an effort. I like it.

That would've been great if she'd shown up at the bar and gave Lionel a quick hug and kiss so that the other women would notice. It would hark back to when John was dating the reporter and Finch sent Zoe in for backup.