
And do what, for fuck sake? Is Mueller going to stop investigating if we don’t keep “our eye on the goddamn ball?” Are Flynn’s lawyers going to reverse course if we don’t keep “our eye on the goddamn ball?” I’m so tired of all you “I’m-better-than-you-at-seeing-what-Trump’s-really-doing” assholes lecturing the rest of

“This isn’t a gun violence issue!”

Look at all the trash on the ground. People make me sick with how lazy they are and how bad they litter. Is it really asking too much to find a trash can on your way to find cover?

Let’s see,

This is why USA needs gun control. Australia did it back in 1996 after the Port Arthur massacre; It was one of the few good things that the Prime Minister of the time achieved while he was in office.

You do not need semi or fully automatic weapons for hunting or self defence. It is very unlikely that a gun will save

Wow. That was uncomfortable to watch. He didn’t even let her stand with him or else escort her properly off stage. Yikes.

Having watched Failstream’s Twitch stream a few times, one of the things I’ve heard him say is that anyone that’s going to attempt to beat the level, will almost certainly be watching the video of Fail beating it. Or, you know, they will have watched his attempts from February of this year onward, which serves the

Jesus Christ. That level’s insane! I don’t know how anyone other than the guy who made it could figure out what to do/where to go/how to beat it, but I’m sure there’s a few crazy people out there who enjoy punishing themselves enough to want to study this thing and figure it out. Anyway, cool level, great job guy.

i heard it on the radio on the way home. i was not really safe to drive for a while afterward. i was that fucking enraged. i reiterate, i was not even a “liberal” pre trump, he is just a monster poorly disguised in human form. the best par was when he had the un-fucking miditgated gall to slag the 4 guys that left

I’ll take your word for it. The transcript was enough to make me nauseous.

I can’t watch it. I still, for the life of me, cannot understand how someone could hear that man speak and then think, “yep. I want him to represent me!”

The absolute worst public performance by a US president ever. Nixon flew off the handle sometimes. But his worst, darkest moments were private. Trump just lets it all out in public.

I’ll be glad if we even make it to elections. There are many days now that I fear the entire framework is collapsing.

Yeah but her emails?

i dont even know anymore mate... everytime i read what trump said i get dumber... i swear this last year has killed more of my braincells than my youth of drug abuse and concussions did..

He knew exactly what he was saying with every repulsive word.

Seriously, what is going on in this article.

This is a great fucking question.

His proclamation on Twitter today was even more horrific than usual. I’ve been so fired up all day. I mean, announcing this (bigoted, unjustified, the list goes on) policy via Twitter without giving the Pentagon a warning or any logistics worked out? The level of disrespect to active service members who are now in