
Every day I hate Bernie and his bros more and more. The entitlement around Bernie and the DNC is mind boggling. That somehow a dude who has contributed nothing in his entire career to the democratic party is supposed to come in and get equal treatment to a woman who worked her entire adult life in the organization

Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?

Isn’t it the truth? I remember despising W but he doesn’t hold a candle to my disdain for Trump.

Throughout 2016 I said, repeatedly, I would take 8 more years of Bush/Cheney than 1 day of Trump. And I feel even more strongly about that now.

Bush seems like a loveable grandfather by comparison.

Exactly. At least W was a joyous buffoon. At least you could laugh at him without the laughter sticking in your throat.

Well, the main difference is Bush seems like a nice guy who was in way over his head, where Trump is a horrible guy who is in way over his head.

Big difference was Bush never came across as a huge jerk in any capacity.

I was thinking the same thing!! Trump is such shit, I’m looking at Bush thinking.. he was a charming and fun guy.

Seriously. I thought Bush was the world’s biggest dildo but now he seems downright adorable. WTF TURMP?????

Guys, Trump has done the impossible and made me nostalgic for Bush. I would gratefully trade him into the office of President in a heartbeat. That is how bad things are. And it pisses me off that Trump is making Bush, who was an AWFUL president, be whitewashed with positive sentiment. But here we are.

“That was some weird shit.”

Jesus, I cannot believe we live in a time when I now look at George Bush with a certain kind of fondness. It’s not that he’s redeemed himself in least not in my’s that he seems rather quaint compared to the COMPLETE MADMAN we have in the White House now.

Just a friendly reminder that we had 33 hearings into Benghazi and millions of dollars spent over several years which turned up nothing. Now they’re circling the wagons to protect foreign intervention into our election (which all intelligence agencies agree happened). Republican hypocrisy knows no bounds.

I really want to see Trump and his fucking family gone.

I really want to see Trump get into single digits.

Trump’s approval rating is approaching the percentage of fuckwits in America. They may only be a percentage or two apart, but I doubt his approval will drop below, say 33%. Those idiots love that he lies all the time, love that he’s destroying America, and love love love being assholes just like him.

I’m living for the casual obamas.

60 years? Do these people hate regan or just forget about him? Also shouldn’t it be 70 years? That is when good old Franklin “commie” Roosevelt instituted the new deal and became president for life.

Wow. Just wow. I’m numb from the sheer disconnect from reality.