
I’m a bleeding heart liberal (“snowflake”), coastal elitist, college educated, Whole Foods frequenting, globe trotting mixed-raced guy and I fully support the death penalty. Why? This trash.

lawmakers don’t gaf about anyone unless it affects them personally. reactionary garbage.

Fuck her fuck her fuck her. Fucking piece of shit.

I remember her from the first season of civilian Apprentice. Omarosa was arguing with a teammate who, at one point, said, “That’s the pot calling the kettle black.” Omarosa accused the other woman of being racist because...she used the word black? After the episode aired or she was fired, she gave several interviews

He’s just going to have to go with commanding the US Armed Forces bands to play for him.

...Dolan responded that he hadn’t seen hate from anyone on the pro-Trump side

Well, he can’t get the Freedom Kids because last time he stiffed them.

Clinton 65,844,954

her doing handstands with Hilaria Baldwin

She is a fearmonger and a proponent of and apologist for hatred of various kinds; ain’t nobody deserve this toxic shit

Latex foam! I will be on the lookout. And maybe you SHOULD blog about it. You have helped me.

You have saved me some money.

I’m sure the first few thousand choices were all born and bread

I have no idea who she was yesterday, but when I read her comments, I smiled maniacally and suppressed a cackle.

I am adoring all the people who using this invitation to back hand, head slam Trump. The more people say “Nah” to him the better.

It’s really great - and kudos to her.

I consider it one of my prouder pop culture achievements that I went to college in the 1990's and, to this day, I can’t name a single song by Phish and wouldn’t recognize one if I heard it.

That picture of Carrie Fisher watching Debbie Reynolds just made tears spring to my eyes at my desk.

Seriously, Michelle is the classiest, most dignified, most beautiful, and quite probably the most intelligent (I dunno between her and Clinton) First Lady of my lifetime. The Trumps are the trashiest pieces of garbage the White House has ever seen.

Classy, beautiful and dignified are all code for white, white and white. The funny thing is Melania can’t be bothered with any of these people and would rather divorce Donald than move into the White House and have to do the duties of the First Lady. Can you imagine her in West Virginia shaking hands with these people

Is... is there any support, outside Donald Trump’s warped mind, for an expanded nuclear arsenal? I could see support for modernizing the arsenal. But growing it? I don’t even think the GOP can get behind that. It’s not cheap to maintain the nuclear force, and we get literally zip-doodly-nothing out of creating a