Yesssss! I got emotionally involved with the main characters. Haven’t had that caring feeling in a while with this franchise.
Yesssss! I got emotionally involved with the main characters. Haven’t had that caring feeling in a while with this franchise.
I also cried at the end. Frankly, I wasn’t expecting it. But that very last, last action sequence, when we see some familiar looking outfits in a familiar looking ship interior... I was surprised to feel my eyes welling up. By the last line, I was legit crying. I clapped like a seal when the credits came up and…
This is accurate. I always thought the Han/Kylo scene in TFA would be the high-water mark for “feels” in the series. I was wrong.
I just had this conversation with my husband. We are left coast liberal ‘elites’ (him with a high school education, me a lowly civil servant, but you know) and his sister is a deeply committed Trumpster former Tea Party knucklehead. He extends to her tremendous compassion and empathy, and I used to simply avoid…
This has been my mantra as of late. Conservatives prey on our liberal compassion, empathy and circle like vultures around our decency. I am of the opinion fuck them all. I am done being decent to false news conspiracy theorists, fascist, neoconservative mother fuckers that should just get STOMPED.
“This movie felt like a rebellion, like there were actual stakes...”
I loved this movie. I love the original trilogy but for movies based on a galactic rebellion against an evil empire, they are almost totally bloodless. This movie felt like a rebellion, like there were actual stakes, and the story felt realistic and beautiful and thankfully not the least bit superfluous. I was worried…
Holllllly Moly how much peroxide is in that picture
There’s little doubt he gets the death penalty and he deserves it about as much as anyone I can think of.
I will be curious to see what action Pres. Trump will take to console the nation when the first mass shooting happens on his NRA-sponsored watch.
I am so fucking sick of these religious right-wing fucknuggets who claim to be fucking persecuted from the safety of their own living rooms, basement dwellings or toilets.
So are you gonna be running this new gimmick on other former GM blogs as well, Tomato Face, or is this a Jez exclusive?
Hey, ‘Mato. Missed you, buddy.
Surfed over to the actual Cabinet to find a quirky position, or perhaps a title that would give itself to a pun. And found myself almost in tears reading the names of the current Cabinet members. Ernest Moniz; Julián Castro; Gina McCarthy. People who had résumés that spanned decades and work that actually bestowed…
I think (b) is Hope Hicks... she is pretty and stylish, but ugh.
In the end, hate was all they cared about anyways. Hate for Hillary, Mexicans, Muslims, women, LGBT, et al. As long as they got to vote for their hate, they didn’t care about anything else. The crony capitalism, lying politicians, foreign-influenced policies, none of that mattered.
I didn’t think I could loathe Trump apologists more, but these people who answer every global concern with “Ha, ha, you lost!” are moving me toward violence. Yep, we lost. Guess what? So did you.
If only Trump were subject to rules. Any rules at all. Like wtf is this shit?
At this point it has to be some kind of fucking joke. If only Trump was subject to the Clinton Rules, we’d have endless investigations and maybe some of those conspiracy theorists could actually do some good. Fucking unbelievable to think that only 4 years ago Republicans were screaming bloody murder in the…
This would be good if it worked with Yahoo, hotmail, etc... accounts. I don’t use gmail for junk accounts.