Dolemites Dick

Oh, I’m sorry. Does the discussion of women being sexually assaulted by men repeatedly upset you? Try being a woman who has been repeatedly sexually assaulted by men. Then you can call things like this unbearable. Until then, hold your privileged male tongue, mkay?

uh, no

Then why the hell do you care? Why did you go through the trouble to create two burner accounts just to whine about the OP?

“According to anonymous sources ‘inside and outside’ the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office, the LAPD has “overwhelming “ evidence that includes ‘audiotapes, emails sent to and from Scientology officers at the time the alleged rapes happened, forensic computer evidence, and a threatening handwritten letter

One accuser, two accuser, three accusers, four,

I think you’re fucking confused.  He’s not a liberal, he’s a fucking Scientologist.  That shit is not liberalism by any stretch of the imagination.  Are you suprised that serial abusers are smug douches?

There are 5 people going on record saying. The rate of false rape accusations to true ones is about 1/10. And I bet with more people coming forward that number is smaller now.

OK, fine. What an *alleged* fucking scumbag.

Your dick’s writing checks your heart can’t cash!

“I don’t know where your heart’s going to lead you. Which is why I let my dick do the driving. It only knows how to get to a few places, but, man, those places! Heaven!”


LOL because they totally sound like Dre and Cubes writing styles...

Dre isn’t writing his own lines, let alone someone else’s.

I kinda want to force you to listen to the entire discography of Death Grips and ask you to reevaluate that statement.

In the former, he writes a letter to his daughter Hailie, the subject of so many Marshall Mathers songs and controversies, basically offering up his own origin story. (“Makes me feel like I don’t belong or something, ooh / I think I might’ve just stumbled on something new,” serves as his spider bite or overdose

The men are scared that any hug or casual interaction could kill their career. They’re calling it “Getting Spacey’d”.

So he maybe paid with a sacagawea coin, but maybe he didn’t?

Money can be exchanged for goods and services!

The dollar is the basic American monetary unit.

...asked why Netflix wasn’t taking the allegations from Masterson’s accusers seriously... he responded, “we don’t believe them.”