Dolemites Dick

I actually love that song for what it’s worth but will have to listen to it again with my Philistine ears to catch that fill

Just watched the YYZ video and will say for all of their technical chops, that is some of the worst music I’ve ever fucking heard.

His poor parents for being dead then

It’s almost like she’s so desperate for web traffic that she’s making up a faux hot take.

I thought you were saying Burt Reynolds was more chill.

Pretty sure they killed that little freak

I thought this fucker died like 20 years ago!!

Saw United 93 in the theater and some theater hopping family with young children snuck in for the last 45 minutes and their kid was just screaming nonstop only to breathe and continue.

Spock: “I can’t believe I shaved my balls for this”

I don’t know what that’s from but I’d like it on my headstone please.

This was the only reference I was looking for in these comments

If you don’t agree with their rider, don’t take the fucking gig. Don’t take their money then welch on the agreement.

Melania Trump looks like a tranny. Also, I need a new hot water heater.

God his show was just unwatchable in recent years. The cheap ass Tim and Eric set, minimal (if any) preparation, watching him hunched over in a wrong sized suit talking to useless 2017 Cornell West (versus the infinitely more respected 90’s version) was just fucking depressing - and that was without thinking about

I know I am

No one is calling you a retard because of your inability to correctly use an ellipses three times and a row.

Fucking Kinja let the trash in. God Kinja is garbage on SO MANY levels

I’m guessing that in addition to being poor, you’re also hideous to look at. Danny Masterson is not what anyone would call good-looking. Just an entertainment welfare case case chugging Ashton’s pole. But don’t give up on your pathetic dreams on my account Bill!

Please get out of the assertion business.

Pretty sure no one’s using the expression “getting spaceyed” anywhere, ever.