That’s a cunty remark.
I just thought the latter means you have a type. Or at least that’s what I tell myself now while dating a tall red-headed man after dating at least three others in the past....
You’re inferring quite a lot from a rather flippant sarcastic comment of the type that the Jezebel commentariat is known for.
20 minutes is reasonable for a child - with colic. but you can just bring them in
Happy, healthy, and well treated dogs don’t constantly bark.
Yup, definitely preserving her vocal cords. I thought that was implied. I’m glad you had a good experience.
This guy is starting to feel like serial killer material. I wonder how many as yet undiscovered bodies he left buried back in Arizona?
You are correct. That is a bull, not a steer.
YES!! forced sterilization , which is insane to even consider, but also would have been perfect for an idiot like you. I am also not kidding, and yep let’s go beyond your idea of craziness. Those two times that you ‘helped produce a baby’, well, think of all those babies that you produced in your hand. If you aren’t…
Indigenous Canadian here. None of us are surprised. The health care system has always been hostile to native folks and native women in particular. There’s a general sentiment that native women are fundamentally incompetent mothers, a stereotype ironically stemming from a combination of the effects of intergenerational…
can’t wait to see all the replies that prioritize a tiger over human life
If you’re going to punch a stranger because of a parking spot, you’ve got more issue than yoga can fix.
In fact, the fact Abigail was real was one of the gut punches of the finale.
This year’s uniform should be green or black blazers à la Hill and Ford.
I am a long time reader, scared but occasional commenter, but i am about to lose my shit over this. In a big way. Let’s get real.
You are a better person than me. I do not believe Kellyanne Conway. She is a documented liar with a capacity for egregious, unnecessary lies matched only by her boss. She tried to criticize her own marriage anonymously as a “person familiar with their relationship”.
Lots of good vibes coming your way.
Oh I don’t got a dog in this fight, I just was curious.