Are you sure? I‘ve wondered if Stewart‘s positioning of Trump as more a joke than a threat didn‘t help to pave his path to the White House.
Are you sure? I‘ve wondered if Stewart‘s positioning of Trump as more a joke than a threat didn‘t help to pave his path to the White House.
But Matt Damon would be a hypocrite if he just came out supporting BLM without first public owning his past mistakes. Otherwise it‘s just performative allyship. If, on the other hand, he said, “I fucked up with Effie Brown. Here‘s what I should have said. And here are the personal and practical steps I intend to take…
Jordan Catalano needs to be up there. Also Jason Stackhouse from True Blood.
A few years ago, I was at an event dressed to the nines. TimeOut took my photo. So did the Village Voice. Vogue’s photographer approached while I was chatting with some (white) friends and requested to take a photo and then asked me to step out of the shot. She looked annoyed that I would even think I was worth her…
What cracks me up about her interference the most is that it’s just chalk! Even if it weren’t his property, it would’ve washed away with 20 seconds of a garden hose. I hope she thinks it's worth it.
Hun, she didn’t wrongly think she knew the owners. She was consciously lying as a flex to put a person of color in his place, never dreaming for a minute that she was speaking to the owner himself.
It’s on Hulu.
I mean, Miranda on SATC dated Blair Underwood during the same era, but sure, let's pretend it was unthinkable.
Does it also occur to you that the women could've dated men of color?
And yet The Golden Girls remains progressive even by current standards.
I mean, it is entirely possible to be a racist bitch. They aren’t mutually exclusive. There’s a woman in my social circle very much like this —horribly entitled, narcissistic, drama seeking. Slowly but surely, more of our friends are coming to see her for what she is, but the black women in our community were in the…
Almost the entire RHOBH are professional actresses.
40% of cops are domestic abusers.
And lost her dog. And banned from Central Park.
Not to mention that there are multiple confirmed cases of Trump paying people to level false accusations of sexual assault against his enemies.
Real Housewives has also had to shoot a virtual reunion. It looks like the Brady Bunch opener.
Another thing that irks me is that, prior to the spill, pretty much all the other riders were managing to sit at a comfortable social distance which is not an easy feat on the subway. Then he goes and forces them all to pack into one half of the car.
I just use safety pins on all the corners. Works like a charm.
Yeah, shock and pity were the prevailing reactions. Absolutely no one said, “Damn, that was sexy.” They said, “Ugh, I hope she gets help.”
I regard Dorit pretty much as you do, but I have to concede that she finally managed to show some flashes of genuineness and redeeming qualities last season, with highlights including the camping trip, standing up to LVP, and that one time she told Teddi to zip it. But really, I think the bottom line is that Lisa so…