
I worked in hospitality for years. At one hip, swanky celebrity hotspot, one woman, apparently a former Playmate, stumbled past a table on her way to the restroom, scooped up a cocktail from another diner’s (ie. total stranger’s) table and downed it like a shot. She then returned to her stool at the bar where she

Remember when Demi Moore basically disappeared for nearly a decade after GI Jane before finally reemerging in her big comeback as the sexy villain in the Charlies Angels sequel? She was raising her kids in Idaho and, according to her filmography, only producing in the interim.

Actual tears.

The thing is, pie could’ve totally worked for this challenge if she’d added a gobbledegook of wellness buzzwords —gluten-free being the most obvious choice— but she just choked and forgot to add the funny. Not crying over it in any case, given who we’re talking about. 

Farewell to the Lea Michelle of drag. I don’t think a thirstier tryhard than Jan has ever graced this competition.

Oh, that's better I suppose, but still kinda seems like philanthropists and companies can't be arsed to give unless there's a big to-do where they can be seen giving. 

Am I the only one uneasy about the idea of a populace fundraiser while unemployment is at a record shattering high? Can’t celebrities just pass the collection plate amongst themselves this time and call it a day? Do we really need to see low production performances shot from their living rooms?

Agreed. It’s so strange to me how people never cease from discussing their financial future as if these two will ever be struggling for money.

That struck me as well and reminded me of one of the closing lines of Lolita in which Humbert, hearing children playing in the near distances, remarks “and then I knew that the hopelessly poignant thing was not Lolita’s absence from my side, but the absence of her voice from that concord.”

Nicky’s absence makes sense for a couple of reasons. He has always been a Kevin storyline, any interaction with Randall has been minimal if not negligible. Most importantly, his exclusion serves to underscore Dr. Leigh’s point that both alternative timeline fantasies are centered more around Rebecca than Jack.

If you’re trying to wrap your brain around why certain white people have such a hysterical reaction to the mere notion of black empowerment, just take a moment to consider what white people have historically done with their power.

What will it take for people to wash their hands of him once and for all? When Dylan was a child, it was easier to shrug off her accusations as the possibly vindictive yarn of her scorned, manipulative mother. It was easier to know maintain ignorance of the full story because information was not as accessible as it is

I know a girl who broke her wrist petting a bunny.

But just think, if they’d made this decision a year ago. They wouldn’t have had to contend with controversy over Meghan’s birth plan or obligated to make a public spectacle or the birth announcement and christening, all of which clearly felt like a imposition to the young family. They’ll of course remain public

Unless they possess an inherent ruggedness (think Bruce Willis), bald white men usually need to counterbalance with facial hair lest they wind up looking penis-y (think Jeff Bezos.) Alas, such a choice would be met by the Queen’s disapproval, as she prefers men to be clean shaven. She probably lets Harry get away with

Who spends $18.50 on a standard [m]ovie theater ticket?

Bad movies absolutely get better because they’re big and loud. Avatar was an absolute marvel when I watched in 3D IMAX and sheer mediocrity when I rewatched in my living room. 

I had a Felicity and a Samantha.

Chappelle identifies with the comedians who have been effected by cancel culture simply because they’re his peers in wealth and status, and so he speaks from misplaced solidarity and makes himself look awful in the process. He’s basically the Matt Damon of stand-ups.