I can absolutely picture Hollywood making a Harriet Tubman movie starring Julia Roberts as the white lady who helped her on the Underground Railroad.
I can absolutely picture Hollywood making a Harriet Tubman movie starring Julia Roberts as the white lady who helped her on the Underground Railroad.
When I first read the actual transcript, I couldn’t believe how benign and relatable it is compared to the urban legend it’s become.
Except that’s willfully malicious misinterpretation of what was actually said.
The L is probably the best looking train line in the city.
Because an idea like that probably gets shut down in the early stages long before an official request can be issued.
It sounds like you’re not watching The Crown which explores these questions pretty thoroughly.
Officially removing Edward from the succession had practical applications since he could’ve still potentially been seen as realistic candidate for the throne if the fates allowed, whereas Andrew is 11th in line and has no hope of ever taking the reins (or the “reigns,” as it were), and thus removing him from the line…
Born in Nigeria, raised in Senegal, but his work took him to Australia, Hong Kong, and Paris. He never mentions having lived in the US.
“Chidi’s the only human character who it seems like was never given major flaws, enough to understand why he was in the bad place with dirtbag, dirtbag, and social climber.”
At some point during Season 1, he points out his apartment exterior to Eleanor in order to guilt her about not having shown interest in his personal life, but that’s it.
This is the correct answer.
Wouldn’t that be just priceless?
Allow me to join the chorus of those cocking an eye at this story in doubt. I’m wary of anything that so neatly stokes public outrage.
Yup! Luann was the one cast member not involved in Scary Island. She was on a very awkward date at a mixology bar when all the drama was going down and only got a recap from Jill and Kelly after they both fled the scene and returned to the city.
I'm in love with this analogy and now eagerly awaiting Solange's interactive omelet station.
She’s basically Roxie Hart now.
Luann wasn’t on the Scary Island trip, she stayed home! You can swap that out for the Mexico trip where she fell in the bushes.
It’ll probably be the other way around, one Mormon Housewife to clutch her pearls at the drunken chicanery.
I didn’t say it was a good idea, I said they’d be financially okay.
Alcohol is at the cornerstone of virtually every great Housewives episode, so I’m curious how they’ll manage with a population that can’t even imbibe caffeine.