
Yup. It can definitely be too much, but I need out at like, 2 or 3 hours, not 15 minutes.

I do the same exact thing! Fruits, vegetables, cities, bands that I like, names, flowers. I think it calms my mind at first but eventually makes it harder for me to sleep because I keep myself awake struggling to remember things.

God, that's so depressing. This study would have been different even five years ago. Let's get it together, you guys.

I spend an excessive amount of time daydreaming, sometimes sexual, sometimes not. I can sit for a good hour or so daydreaming an elaborate story. Unless I fall asleep, which also sometimes happens.

This is very weird to me - I saw this study the other day and thought that I might be interpreting it wrong, or that I either daydream too much or have a dirty mind. I spent this much time alone in my brain the other day, easily, while laying on the futon in my home office. I wasn't napping, but it seemed like it

190 shocks in 15 minutes is a shock every 20 seconds...

There is an amazing movie theater close to where I work where you select your seat beforehand (like in an airplane) and everyone gets a huge leather recliner to sit in (unlike an airplane). No need to put coats on seats or anything. Also, the tickets cost the same as at all of the other local theaters, so no premium


All I know is "FUCK IT, BRING ON THE RAPPING CATS!" is now my answer to everything!

We're weird about this stuff, frankly, because everyone who is honest with themselves knows that some janky perverts find the classic Coppertone girl (AKA baby Jodie Foster) sexually arousing. A generation of pedophiles probably jerked off to that image, and frankly, that makes me uncomfortable.

I'd also like to use the comment section of my blog post here to officially announce that I am going to be doing a hip-hop revival of my version of "Memory" that I like to perform after my fifth or six Bananarita. I'm so excited about this new vision, you guys!

Honestly I am all for this because I do not believe parents should post nude or semi-nude pictures of their children without their consent. And a 6-month old or 2-year old can't say "Hey Mommy, please don't post my ass on the internet for pageviews."

Agreed. I also think there's also an issue of the individual versus communal here, too. Not only are women supposed to "have it all," but we're supposed to "have it all" without help. If you hire a nanny or a cook or a driver or a cleaning service you have failed at parenting and life, because you didn't do it ALL BY

That's not standardized across the country in the US. Paid paternity and maternity leave enshrined by federal law would make a *huge* difference.

The sad thing is that I have chatted with make CEOs about these issues, and frankly they do not see this as an issue. You'd like to think some were enlightened enough, but remember, these CEOs are primarily in their late 50s and 60s. Not young enough for the feminist movement to have really affected their lives (and

I'd love to star this a zillion times..."Can you be a good CEO and a good taxi driver?" This just won my heart.

The issue is that we never really addressed domestic labor when women entered the workforce. Something has to give, and the current setup of two incomes being necessary screws everyone, but women the damn hardest because of all the stupid gender traditionalists. We used to have a sexist split of Domestic/Providing

From my time in Boston I found that they mostly protest on the weekends. Hatemongers have to keep down jobs too, probably at puppy-kicking farms and the DMV.

I actually can't beleive some people wake up in the morning, put their shoes and their coat on and go protest outside abortion clinics everyday.

He was "literally rejuvenated"... Are you sure we aren't talking about Chris Traeger here?