I feel like maybe some of the hate stems from the fact that Skyler is a fleshed-out, well-developed female character on a show with the male lead. In fact, Skyler is probably the most nuanced and complicated character on the show. It's extremely rare and I think people are confused about what they're supposed to feel…
no what if. it was a love story and one of the best there have been in television history.
Ted, like many others in the show, fell to his own hubris. In fact, you could say it tripped him up.
Ted was spectacularly dumb, however. My theory is that he's the boss only because he inherited the company.
Poor, lonely fucks would kill for a nagging harpie in their lives, let alone a strong-ass lady like Skyler (or Anna Gunn, the amazing RL actress who plays her). Did it ever occur to them that by being unlikeable she's doing a great job at her role? No? Didn't think so. Morons.
Under foreign law they may be able to convict her in absentia, but as long as she stays in the US no chance they can carry out any kind of sentence.
(phone ringing)...
El Paso was the first transcendent moment of the night. plus, it was going around and around in my head after the show, and YOU GUYS, FELINA IS THE GIRL IN THE SONG!!!
Did anyone else love the dead Nazi still getting his chair massage?
I didn't like the ending as much as I've liked other episodes in the show but I have to say I'm still glad it ended the way it did. As Vince said afterwards on Talking Bad, he wanted to make the final episode finite and close-ended. Which I think he did. I don't have any major unanswered questions and I'm not upset.
You guys. YOU FUCKING GUYS! Siiiiigh.
Jesse forever. And ever, and ever, and ever.
And that is why I have a Post-it over my webcam. Ok, really it was because I was afraid I would accidentally flash a client while pumping breastmilk, but you know, same diff.
Okay obviously this is awful... but on a hilarious note, I kept misreading "Miss Teen USA Cassidy Wolf" as "Miss Teen Wolf USA, Cassidy." I would definitely tune in to watch the Miss Teen Wolf USA pageant because I want to hear the contestants answer questions about equality for teen wolves and what life lessons being…
I believe that the only person that should ever see a womans naked body is only her boyfriend or husband.