
People are patently ridiculous. Like, it is, I feel, objectively ridiculous to think it says anything about anything that the president joked about his wife making him quit smoking. Like, I saw that, and I chuckled, and I went back to my life.

I'm now extremely paranoid that my friends are dodging me, and I'm not even in a relationship/crushing on someone/giving two shits about an ex.

It is 100% "I do not know what to say, I am afraid I will say something crazy, I am leaving before I say that thing. Thank you."

I must confess I know her as Elizabeth on New Girl, but she is just so spectacular in this clip. I think I'm going to have to save this GIF for getting out of threads that are rapidly devolving.

I think we're forgetting someone ..huge here.

I liked Stephen Cobert's comment about the Miss America contest this week: they have been working on diversity and now they are open to size 0 -2.

Of all the wonders of our world, of all the amazingness of our universe.... we humans are capable of reducing our lives, our bodies and the marvels they are capable of... to this. *sigh*

Since Lena Headey is happy and smiling my immediate response is to be fearful of what is going to happen to that Muppet next. I also love when random celebrities that children have no business of knowing show up on Sesame Street except to amuse adults.

I'm a scientician so I believe I can help educate everyone here. Below is a picture (blown up, of course) of the inside of a woman's vugina, where babies are stored.

How ironic that the owners of Hobby Lobby cannot find a better hobby than this. Can't they just scrapbook about whores and be done with it?

I can't bring myself to be offended by him anymore. Bryan Fischer saying stupid and offensive things is like a monkey throwing its own shit. It's just a part of his nature.

My boyfriend hasn't had cable in years so last night at dinner I was trying to explain who Jon and Kate were. Explain the Gosselin phenomena out loud to someone and you get a whole new appreciation for the ridiculousness of it.


The American Family Association of American Families of America.

Here's my personal advice to Blanche:

the idea of a Dorothy Sbornak - Maude Findlay BDSM relationship is very relevant to my interests please follow up with an update thanks.

Have fun storming the castle boys!!!!

Best bitchface EVER

The particularly shitty thing in the last one is that he said it was fine, then reneged and demanded money — weird and rude!