
Gonna be honest, I watched the movie for Captain Boomerang. He’s always been one of my favorite Squad members.

Definitely this. It was always a little awkward walking in, but the bras were so worth it.

JLU, definitely. Young Justice had ups and downs, and didn’t always treat the minor characters and villains with very much respect. That said, it got better as it went along, and the Blue Beetle stuff was fantastic.

That’s entirely true! You can totally serve your children coffee. No one will fault you for that! Hell, I’m Puerto Rican. I’ve been drinking occasional coffee since I was five. Go for it.

I got Viewtiful Joe as a gift to get me through having my wisdom teeth removed. Maybe it was the game, maybe it was the drugs, but that was one of the most joyful gaming experiences I’ve had.

DexFlex all the way. Cheap, easy to find, tons of styles, and they even have an option with a small wedge heel!

DexFlex all the way. Cheap, easy to find, tons of styles, and they even have an option with a small wedge heel!

This is why I will hoard my VHS copies forever. I enjoy seeing the Special Editions, because they were my first opportunity to see Star Wars on the big screen, but you just can’t beat the originals.

To me, it almost felt like Stephen’s in story version was writing that. He’d met Roland, knew his quest, and that’s why he didn’t want us to read it. He didn’t want to write it either.

Fantasia 2000! Specifically the Firebird Suite. It’s absolutely stunning and well worth a watch.

Not gaming related, but my old GPS used to rage quit when we went the wrong direction. It would give us one or two half-hearted “recalculating” messages, and then shut down entirely. It would then not work again until we were back on the path or set a new path. Made snack breaks on road trips interesting!

Has there been any word on whether we’ll see Sam Scudder or Evan McCulloch as Mirror Master? The only other legacy Rogue we’ve seen is the Trickster, and we got both of ‘em at once.

I am lucky that I live in an area with tons of great charity thrifts. Cheap clothes, good causes, everyone wins!

The trenchcoat is very much Digger’s thing, not Owens. Digger’s more modern look is almost exactly what you see here, though he usually has a scarf, and doesn’t have that hideous varsity jacket.

The live stuff doesn't last more than 5 minutes in my house. My cat will eat it down to the dirt.

In my experience, Arm and Hammer Clump n Seal litter is the greatest thing. No smell and it clumps very well. Don't buy the lightweight one, though. Doesn't clump nearly as well.

I started getting into Shadowrun with the Shadowrun Returns and Dragonfall, and I can't be happier that I did. It's a fantastic setting, and people have made some great stories to keep playing after the main campaign is over.

My sister is a high school teacher, and I can tell you that the school board is much, much worse than her students. And she's got over a hundred teenagers to deal with every day!

I would love to read it.

Just made this yesterday. I ended up hunched over my bowl like Gollum, making indecent noises in the back of my throat.

I have a soft spot for Final Crisis only because of Rogues Revenge, which is absolutely phenomenal.