It’s kind of weird that the Time Travel thing didn’t bug me ( at least there were discussion about the repercussions of time travel and what not). But the NANOBOT SUIT THAT CAN BE ANYTHING does.
It’s kind of weird that the Time Travel thing didn’t bug me ( at least there were discussion about the repercussions of time travel and what not). But the NANOBOT SUIT THAT CAN BE ANYTHING does.
Would you watch “Employee of the Year” awards on network TV for various storefronts?
Does the Academy really care? (Surely the network that broadcasts this does) But these awards are for industry insiders to reward their peers, not to grab Sunday Night Ratings . It's not People's Choice.
I wouldn’t mind reading article by some actually fight-y people reviewing the usefulness of the different types of footwear characters wear in fighting video games. I would imagine that stuff like the traditional “sexy 5 inch stiletto heel” that some female fighters get to wear gets a big downvote, but I do have to…
But then...have her being there....doing things. Actually helping build the temple. Helping training some others. Filing Luke’s tax-exempt religious status. Something.
I mean, I’m not even really sure what purpose she had in the Boba Fett episode.
Actually, based on the random Instagram/TikTok feeds that appear in my Facebook feed at odd locations, most South Korean women wear 6 inch heels and have 7 foot long legs.
How about pointing to links of other D&D campaign played primarily by POC for comparison. Heck, you can actively promote it!
If Magnus really is that good, shouldn’t he have noticed immediately the scam and switched up to whatever strategy works best towards a win against the Ruy Lopez?
I’ve always thought that Whole New World was probably the worst of the song in Aladdin.... But it is the most Top 40ish/playable at weddings of the lot.
Yeah, SP is the jewel of movie to me. But apparently Disney isn’t pushing either Bruno or SP, and instead is opting to push the more Oscar-baitworthy ballad that was all done in Spanish as their preferred "Best Song" entry.
I’m curious as to what they legal trouble could be. Isn't the whole point of crypto and block chain stuff is to be free of government hassles, little things like "regulations" and "government-backed securities"?
Well, there was no tournament. It was all about the bad guys killing the good guys before the tournament was to start, so the bad guys would win by default.
I’m not sure how you can say that it “didn’t arrive at anything.”
I find it strange that we demand voice actors be the same ethnicity of the secondary characters they play, but are okay with men playing the voice of primary female characters in this show.
Really, most of those were dead before covid. Netflix, for example, really is the only company that has been making John Hughes-ish teen romantic comedy comedies in the last 5 years or so.
Your average medieval Christian peasant would most likely say “what is a Jew?” given their worldliness of how far they would’ve travelled from home in their lifetimes would probably be something like a 15 mile radius around whatever their home village is.
I kind of give her a pass on the name thing, considering that 95% of the names in the books are really wonky. I mean, who would’ve guessed that a character named Sirius Black could turn into a black dog? And that Remus Lupin would be a werewolf?
It can’t be tracked easily by the government who would otherwise want to collect taxes on actual honest-to-goodness money? That’s really the only thing that I can think of.
Once you get beyond sitcoms, historically, network TV has always been medical dramas/ courtroom dramas/ first responders. It’s not surprising.