
We did that when I was in HS. I lived in Paterson NJ and we lied to say I lived in my aunt’s town to go to a better high school and someone reported me. They were right to do so. Also, my mom was given the option to pay a monthly fee to attend the better school which was pretty hefty, so we moved to the town. Fuck

The dude is full 0f shit. Alice MADE Crystal Castles, ask anybody who ever saw them live. And he’s mad as hell these days I’m sure because no one gives a shit about CC now with the Alice wannabe he tried to replace her with. That poor girl is probably being mentally twisted up by him as we speak. which he wrote that Glass’s new project “should be rewarding for her considering she didn’t appear on Crystal Castles’ best known songs.”

Jesus Christ, is there a woman in Hollywood this hasn’t happened to?

Hey Pro-Lifers, remember this will lead to MORE abortions.

Little know fact, back in the 1960s and 70s, men actually had tiny turkey brains so any time they showered there was always a risk that they would look up at the showerhead and open their mouths, thereby drowning in the process. Because women were too smart to do this, it was actually imperative they every man had a

My first thought when I heard about the shooting was “country music festival...there must have been more than one good guy with a gun there to protect himself.”

They have to be residents of Florida. They are already citizens, as are all Americans. All they have to do is register in Florida 30 days before the election.

One good thing out of this - This will cost him Florida in 2020. The state broke for him only barely in the I4 corridor, which is ground zero for PR emigrants. We’re already prepping for a serious influx of migrants... and they can vote day 1 on the ground, along with flipping some existing voters.

I get what you’re saying, but to say that King doesn’t know how to write female characters that haven’t been raped is a little over the top. He’s written a ton of great female characters that don’t get raped, and there are a bunch of his stories that have strong, genuinely well-written female protagonists/heroes.

He’s written about a gazillion books. If they were ALL about rape, you would have had a point there. But they’re not. And since he writes about people in the world, it would be strange if none of his characters were ever raped since sadly, that’s something that many women have experienced

Uhhm, Janet Jackson is currently touring the USA, playing in sold out sports arenas.

I am broken by this, I am puertorican, I am a US citizen, I’ve known we weren’t a priority, but this is beyond anything i could have dreamt up, petty arguments taking up the news while people die. All I can say is please, everyone make up the difference, donate to these organizations, take what you have to donation

They don’t need to govern the country. The lords who bought and paid for them don’t want them to govern the country. It becomes more and more apparent the billionaire class consists mostly of anarchists. They don’t particularly want a functioning government because a functioning government impedes the increase of

I think there are twin problems.


“These are four of the best students, academically, behavioral-wise,” Wilson said. “They just made a bad decision.

I feel uncomfortable with this being an open post to just have everyone speculate ad nauseum. If Jezebel want to get the word out that they’re seriously investigating, by all means give out the information for any reliable source to contact you directly. But making this a post is just straight up innuendo. Like if

Not true, at least for me. I’d be uncomfortable condemning anyone if the only evidence of wrongdoing was second and third-hand rumors, and if the supposed sources of those accusations started directly refuting them.