
Right there with you. I loved CC until I read this article and now I’m absolutely disgusted. Will totally support Alice Glass.

Because the scars from previous c-section(s) could rupture with contractions and pushing? That would cause the mother to bleed out, possibly to death.

I sure hope you’re right. Recently, my Puerto Rican friend and I went to another city in FL for a concert. BOTH Uber drivers commented on what a great job Trump has been in handling this crisis. We just looked at each other in the backseat, “WTF is this guy on about? Really?” My friend hasn’t heard from his mom yet. He

Everything GWB did looks downright dignified. He now seems harmless and a little stupid to me — nowhere near the monster I thought he was during his administration. Funny how one’s perspective changes...

There’s also a reference in Rose Madder — the three stories are sort of linked. Note, they are also star strong women as the protagonists.

Right and there’s also hundreds of female characters that Stephen King wrote who weren’t raped. Confirmation bias, much?

I was about to post: If it’s any consolation, Miss Jackson is on tour right now (I have tickets!) and her last album was SMOKIN’ hawt.

Where is the cussing in the statement you posted?

Florida resident; former nursing home worker (I worked as a nurses’ aide in college). This will probably not be a very popular opinion.

134. Tool, Ænima

Yes, but Rumspringa.

Even if they are (and that appears to be in dispute) Amish, there’s nothing in Amish doctrine that says it’s acceptable to pimp out your children. The Amish don’t go for polygamy either. (That’s the FLDS you’re thinking of.)

“Last year, a Bucks County man...”

I am half looking forward to seeing this and half dreading it. I had my own print shop moment about a year ago. After 30 years, I reconnected with the Long Lost Love of my Life®. He’s happily married and wasn’t about to start over again with me or anything, so it was super bittersweet. Jamie and Claire’s print shop

Male circumcision has nothing to do with this — men aren’t ostracized from society if they are or are not circumcized.

Whup, wait. You hold up right there.

Because people are dying.

My dog looks exactly like Chance.

My car caught fire once. I was on my way to work at some ungodly hour like 6:00 a.m. and my 1981 Plymouth Horizon POS died. I got it pulled over and popped the hood, like I know how to fix my own car, lol. As soon as the air hit the engine, something burst into flames.

I just go by myself. Sure, it’s fun to hang with another person but look at the advantages. You get to decide what, where, and when you’re going to do whatever and you don’t have to wait on anyone, or negotiate anything. I’m doing RiotFest in Chicago by myself. The second day, some local friends have 1-day passes, but