Dog Spelled Sideways

There were at least four levels to the dream:
4. Danny and Clara's house
3. The base where the Doctor went into Clara's dream.
2.The base where everyone was attacked by the facecrabs.
1. Old Clara
Reality - young Clara from the end of the episode.

Age of Amonpalypse

Even the weird Hitchens-level skeptic Sokka turns into? Buddy, you live in a world where people shoot fire out of their hands and girls turn into the moon. Have a little perspective.

And women of color, too! One thing I loved about Avatar from the beginning was that it didn't shy away from the fact that people have different skin tones, and seeing Korra, Suyin, Jinora, and the rest with clearly different eyes, skin and hair is really encouraging. Plus, it's not just a kid's show with a canon

I think it's the characters - both Avatar(s) and Buffy/Angel have characters that you genuinely want to spend time with and have fun watching. BB and BSG are intense, plotty shows that draw you in, but their characters are either unlikable or underwritten.

Haven't they said they're planning on doing Korra comics as well? Could get the old gang in those pretty easily…

My personal favorite fight moment was Kuvira ripping the entire arm off the colossus and flinging it away. Incredibly tactically sound but completely unexpected due to genre tropes.

At least she's got more personality than Mako. Although when he went all self-sacrificing tonight I liked him for the first time ever.

I really wish we could have seen this season the way it was intended to be seen. There were a lot of clunky little moments in the last half that felt like the show was trying to shift back into gear after the clip show - I bet it would have flowed more naturally if it had gone the way it should have.

I literally jumped off my couch when she showed up at the end.

Man, I don't even know which one you're reacting against! Air has its faults (Mako, all things related to Mako) but the animation's great, the plot has solid footing, and it genuinely feels like the team is trying to make something new with Republic City. Change is great, but a lot of what's enjoyable about it is

Korra Grades:
B1: A-
B2: B-
B3: A-
B4: A

And even after that, there's the not-great Northern Air Temple and the genuinely terrible The Fortuneteller.

Everyone's (rightly) talking about Korrasami, but I thought the most interesting move in the finale was Wu dissolving the Earth Kingdom. After spending a season as a joke we all knew was going to end up on the throne eventually, they really threw a curveball with that moment - but I bought that after spending all that

I really thought that was going to happen and I was so embarrassed. Thank god they didn't go with their instincts.

RIP Legend of Korra.
You weren't always great - weren't always even good - but you were brave and strong and you mattered. You'll be remembered fondly.

Single best moment in the series thus far. One page of pure beauty.

No shame! I know Elf is a little treacly at times, but it's the best Christmas movie made in at least the past twenty years, and the father-son stuff still hits me right in the heart. Genuinely good film.

There aren't a lot of actual holiday traditions in my family, (too many relative gatherings) but one thing that we do every year is get together Thanksgiving week and decorate the Christmas tree. Every year, my brother and I each get a special ornament meant to reflect what we were interested in that year (this year I

Yeah, I ID as heteroflexible - I can find guys attractive, and would be willing to hook up with one should the opportunity present itself, but I just have trouble picturing myself in a romantic relationship with another guy. Of course, I've only ever really been friends with one gay dude, and she ended up