Dog Spelled Sideways

That's interesting - I didn't know that about Tinder not showing the last name. I guess if I create a profile on a work computer or something and keep things private, it could assuage some of my worries.

You're probably right… failure is not a good thing for my mental state at pretty much any point, and especially now. And I do see a therapist and a psychiatrist (which I thing is the same thing as a psychologist - I'm not always great on terminology). I want some kind of anxiety meds or something, but my psychiatrist

Well, when you're eighteen and A. Spend a lot of time volunteering at the library and B. Aren't super great about returning books on time, you start to think that it might be smart to just take books out the back entrance and pretend that you checked them out. I figured it wasn't stealing if I returned them at some

Yeah, that's a good idea - I'm a little leery of libraries after being banned from my hometown's, but that's a good place to start.

Yep. And I make things even more difficult on myself by refusing to have a Facebook due to my distaste for their data-mining policies… So no Tinder for me. And it seems to be largely used as an actual dating app around here, anyway.

Well, I used to write - my breakdown actually came during a time when I was editing the student newspaper and writing eight-ish articles a week, as well as holding down a full-time job and finishing my last semester of college. Ever since, though, I haven't been able to write - I can't make myself write without a

"No Children" for a divorce attorney.

"Hmm…. how do we sell our mid-size SUV to suburban moms? Catchy jingle? Hip new Indie band? 2011 equivalent of Taylor Swift?"

But…but all I like doing is sitting at home and slowly melding with my couch!

Seriously, how has Simon Belmont never been a Smash character? Comes with plenty of weapons for special moves, could fight with a diagonal whip to stand out from the crowd, lets Dracula's Castle be a stage…I can't think of a Nintendo character that lends itself better to Smash. And if they can bring back Pit, they can

Heh, I appreciate the sentiment. And I have tried the online approach - I guess I just overdo it or something. The most successful online date I ever had ended in me being robbed, so I'm a little distrustful.

I've done that in the past, but at this point, I can't even figure out how to do something like that - the last time a girl flirted with me, I burst into tears and ran out of the bar. Very few women are turned on by that.

So, question for Savage Dik/Idiot/Commentariat;

Wait, what? What comic is this? Some other continuity thing? It's bad enough having to deal with Hush again in modern continuity…

Heh, thanks. I'm honestly just intimidated by you guys - you're all smart and funny and nice, and you seem to know how to write… low self-esteem kicks me right in the balls again. I did post on the TI a couple years back, before NuDisqus came in and ate my old account- I just couldn't bring myself to jump in much. I

Thank you for replying; certainly didn't expect a single reply to this, let alone a staff reply. And just to put your mind a bit at ease, I do have doctors and even a couple friends; I just don't trust any of them. I know it's unreasonable, but there's something in me that just doesn't trust anyone who wants to help

I felt the exact same way. What eventually worked for you? Do you take meds now, or did you find something else to help?

Thanks, I appreciate it. I actually was on medication for a few months, but I quit taking it a month ago because I felt like I had lost my ability to feel things; I don't know if that's normal or not, but I just couldn't cope with it anymore. Also, all my friends told me that I was turning into a jerk, which made me

I think I might be where you are right now; I've been off meds for about a month, after about four months of daily dosage. If you don't mind, what made you get back on? And did you ever have any issues trusting the psychiatrist?

I'm fairly new to depression. I've always been a little melancholy and bleak, and pretty much since going off to college have had difficulty being happy and relating to others, but I always chalked that up to just being a weird kid who didn't have the same interests as most of his friends. I started seeing a therapist