Blue Wave Poodles

Sadly, this is the time that his attorneys get to spend scrounging up reasons for him to avoid prison, either through some kind of alternative sentencing arrangement, or through grubbing up some sob story about how it’s not really his fault, he came from a broken family, etc.

Thank goodness that particular miscarriage of justice has been ironed out for Mr. Harris. Now we’ve just gotta get the other three put in jail, too.

Um, what movie is the black-and-white GIF from? Asking for a friend....

I like the cut of your jib! These are good Chris placements. My preferences are still: 1. Pine (I imagine he’s a really good kisser and takes his time;) 2. Hemsworth (Consider a waltz or a contradance with Hemsworth — he could just pick you up and twirl you around;) 3. Evans (So damn adorable!) 4. Pratt (Forgot him

Still, any work in getting Black women out of prison who have been unjustly sentenced is worth having. It’s Trump Time now: I’m taking my wins wherever I can get them.

GIF party!

Now, that’s just scary. Yikes! Morally scary and personally scary.

Yeah, that struck me as interesting, too. I mean, we always valorize the dead, but not one mention of how much she HATED Hillary?

Bob, I had to read this a couple of times to get it. Well done!

Holy cow! Everything old is new again!

Well, that’s what I thought, too. Odd that she isn’t out the door already. The tinkly circus music has already started for the Musical Chairs game to decide who gets the seats at The Heritage Foundation. If she wants one, or any chair in D.C. at all, she’d better get a wiggle on....

I’m guessing the answer is YES.

Oh, Bazinga!

I never won his voice on my answering machine, but if I had, I would never give it up.

Gilead, unfortunately. Panem would require the oppression of white males, which no one on the Republican side seems to be willing to sign up for. They’ll come after us first, for sure.

Seconded! Time to take back the eff-ing government and make it do what we want, like health care and education and jobs.

Jesus, I’m sorry. That bites.

There was some amazing coverage of this on Auntie Rachel last night. I’m surprised Nikki Haley hasn’t resigned — I understood that she has ambitions for national office, and the way the Trumpsters threw her under the bus, while expected, doesn’t bode well for that Vice Presidential run she’s been eyeing for a while...

Best poetry of the week.

This still makes me so aggrieved I can hardly inhale and exhale. We turned in our taxes and wrote another gigantic check to the IRS, which usually doesn’t bother me, but this year it really, really did. It was galling to do it during the early years of the war, but sending these Republican shitweasels extra money to