Blue Wave Poodles

The news has never been sexier.

Ok, I’m going to add this here. I’ve been having regular bouts with panic attacks while trying to sleep, anxiety and short periods of pure rage. After it got really bad I decided to make an appointment with my doctor. The next available is in September. My physical is in August. I went ahead and scheduled the

💔 Poor kitties. Poor Green and Silver. Can you visit with them at least?

Something along the lines of: “I don’t feel like talking about it right now. How are you doing?” It’s honest and deflects the conversation. My condolences for your grandfather.

Sorry for your loss. You don’t owe acquaintances any explanation, but if pressed just say that you’ve had a death in the family but you’d rather not talk about it

Hi Jezzies,

I’m out of town, and she’s always way busy anyhow. By doc-in-the-box, do you mean urgent care?

Hello fellow Jezzies! Long time lurker, first time poster! Has anyone dealt with a loved one going through depression? My boyfriend is having a financially difficult time right now and it is not helping his depression. He hasn’t been able to find solid work in a year. He has over 10 years of work experience in

There’s someone for everyone.

I nominate my fuckface dog for this award. She just killed another chicken (her 4th 🙁).

My maternal grandfather died this earlier this week. I was able to take time off work last week to hang-out with him 10am-6pm at the hospital to be with him until the end. We were able to gather the immediate family throughout that week which was pleasant. I’ve been able to speak with and inform my close friends this

He is a cutie-patootie, and definitely taking a tiny bit of the sting out of watching America turn into Nazi Germany by degrees.

5:15pm MST and no bears, but I did see a fish try and fail to leap upstream at the falls, so that’s something

The wait is unbearable. No, literally.

Be the bear.

Is that an old saw like, “knee high by the fourth of July” or “red at night sailors delight?”

When the Salmon run, they will come. 

I've spent countless hours watching Bear Cam. I should probably cancel Netflix for the next while. Thanks for the reminder! 

The video audio of water flowing down a stream is very relaxing. Because of this, I’ll take back all the acerbic and/or meanspirted comments I made today.  
