Blue Wave Poodles

Well, at least Kelly doesn’t have to get on the phone and call everyone he has infected. He can just stroll over to their huts and tell them in person. Gives him more of a chance to emphasize to them how honored they should feel...

I kinda love this quote!

Ooooooohhhh! Very nice! Very spiky! I like it!

I’ll just put my two cents in here and suggest that while it’s fine to date this guy or even move in with him, do not commit to him for the long term or marry him until you are sure he can separate himself adequately from them. My husband managed to separate himself from his family for long enough to marry me, but

I’m not sure it does — it may depend on how old you are when you become pregnant. I had a late-in-life pregnancy, sailed through it, and ended up looking much younger, with lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, and stuff like that. Shiny hair and stuff.

So cute!

These are good puppies.

I’m running out of patience, too. Why is Mueller even bothering to pursue Obstructing Justice stuff when we know he has Trump’s tax returns, and that they’ll show he was laundering money for the Russians? Why? Obstructing justice is very spongy, but money laundering is right there on paper.

Oh, God. I think you’re right.

Wow! That would be a genuine plot twist! Bated breath here....

This is a really good point.

This is an excellent corollary list! The only way in which this cheers me up is that I sense these guys are getting very desperate. They can tell that they have overstepped themselves, and are trying to eke out every last concession before the Blue Wave obliterates them in 2018...

This is a good answer.

Machine guns. The bastards have machine guns now. This will make things much harder.

Well, color me impressed. This was very camera-friendly and non-violent at the same time.

When you are this venal and incompetent and guilty, you’re gonna have to Wag the Dog at some point...

That is good news!

Ah, the Ghost of Robert Bork. If he was nominated to the Supreme Court now, he’d be confirmed in a heartbeat. Ugh.

Just when you think the guy can’t sink any lower.... It turns out that one of the reasons the case was turned over to the New York state’s attorney is that it may involve fraudulent investing in cabbie medallions. That’s Trump’s main lawyer, yessiree Bob. Yet The Orange One is blaming the Special Counsel’s office.

I played and amateur live-blogged the event on Gizmodo. I got Zuckerberg Bingo only 33 minutes in to his testimony. He’s a very strange person. There’s something weird going on with him.