Blue Wave Poodles

Hi Pat!

I know he’s a jerk, but maybe dropping an old space station on him is overkill?

Mr. Burns says, “Excellent!”

It was the weirdest thing — no notice, no idea what went wrong, nothing. I must have offended somebody really badly, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how. It did give me time to work on the web site and the Twitter page, though. Check it out! To visit the web site, type

Hey, thank you! If you want to adopt a voter, just DM us on Twitter and we’ll sign you up. I found writing the Overcoming Objections section was the hardest, but ultimately the most satisfying.

Oh, dear. I guess it’s like that thing where once you have a child, you wake up wide awake at any time of the night if something goes wrong. Sleep patterns get really trained into a person’s brain, and they can be a long time to un-learn. I am sure you will figure it out, though.

A-ha! I remember them now. I had no idea they had branches here in the U.S. So great — reminds me of the Guerrilla Girls! Were they the ones doing a lot of effective protests about abortion rights in Poland?

Thank you, honey. Been way too long. I’ve been shy after being inexplicably banned, but I finally made a burner and am re-joining the happening crowd. I missed you guys so much!

I’m thinking about something that keeps you from fainting in the heat but looks authentic, like a tank top that’s been airbrushed to look like a corset? Like those tee-shirts men used to wear as a joke that were airbrushed to look like a tuxedo jacket?

Hi again, sweetie! Here are the addresses, if you want t look at what I’ve been up to since I was exiled... It was lonesome but fruitful.

I think she was protesting the whole way the criminal justice system has handled the case up until now. I think she has a point.

That was a bit much. But she was en fuego, continuing to shout her message clearly, and making as big a stink as possible. She’s my new she-ro!

Be sure to tip the wait staff!

Ah, the Second Shift. So grim, so unnecessary.

Oh, not to mention the ability of pregnant women to get pre-birth time off without penalty if there’s a medical necessity. Women in the US are often so short on maternity leave anyway that, even if they don’t feel well, they’ll work right up until their baby is born. In many European countries, women get the last

Honey, I’m so sorry you haven’t been sleeping — it makes everything twice as hard. I’m glad you are getting help for it. I think of you often and hope for the best for you.....

Hi, Goddess! I thought I’d sneak back on here with a burner just to promote the Adopt a Non-Voter program, but it’s been so gratifying to catch up with everybody, especially those who have been suffering. Before I decided to take the leap, I used the extra time I couldn’t talk to you guys to finish the meat fo the

Thanks, and hi! back atcha! I’ve almost got the website ready — like most things, you are always finding picayune little things wrong at the last minute. I’m going to check with the programmer later tonight, and if things look good, I’ll post the address for the site and Twitter feed to you before night’s end. I’m

Will the rules be the same — no one wants to work for Cohen because he doesn’t pay and he doesn’t listen? Do you think that kind of stuff infects you after you’ve worked for a guy as toxic as Trump for so many years? Inquiring minds...