
Nina Swan. Cats are indeed OBLIGATE Carnivores and must eat all meat to thrive. There are two particular Veterinarians who teach on this subject. A cat forum opened my eyes by sending me to written by a Vet by the name of Dr. Lisa Pierson. Do yourself a favor and read the entire paper, which is a

They do. My old cat got diabetes and I cured him with meat. Way cheaper than paying for insulin.

There are a lot of different qualities, when our dog became diabetic we weren’t able to balance her insulin properly on a majority of the standard mid range to good dog foods. When we switched her to a higher end one that was recommended by a vet and then quite difficult to even source she was instantly much better.

What’s with Fancy Feast? So many people saying their cat will also only eat Fancy Feast. Do they put crack in it or something? I had no idea this was so common.

I worked as a veterinary technician and I can tell you this: dogs who were fed a low priced diet (Alpo and Old Roy seemed especially prevalent) came in with horrible cases of hypothyroidism. You can literally look at a dog and tell what it’s been fed by the condition of its coat and energy level. I saw dogs with

For sure. Have you ever tried the Feliway diffuser?

They say wet food of any kind is better than dry. The show was talking more about price points but it also works for if your cat is a picky eater. :)

This is one of the main reason’s my wife and I have always used Wellness. They have a very good—if not spotless—track record regarding recalls.

Plus it ignores that cheaper foods often need to be given in higher quantities. When my dog was a puppy I was a little low on cash and the vet suggested Purina Puppy Chow as an alternative (we were on Taste of the Wild, it was what the breeder fed him). Thing is, Purina Puppy Chow wanted me to give him nearly six cups

Yeah, I use Taste of the Wild too. I tried a cheaper food, but then had to feed my dog almost twice as much of it so almost all savings were lost ANYWAY and he didn’t seem to like it much so I switched back. If I buy the biggest bag it lasts about two months or so, which is pretty good.

Beth, sorry but this is a dangerous assumption to make along with the notion that any food fits all for cats/dogs. My Bengal is, as I’ve learned the hard way, allergic to chicken & fish and she chewed her fur, broke the skin, etc. horribly on her legs and shoulders. It took me literally years to figure out something

I’m not a vet, but from experience I can tell you the paw licking, especially after changing foods, is likely an allergic reaction.

The title of this article is very misleading. The ingredient list on dog food varies considerably and some are poor sources of long term sustenance. Dog foods that do not have a meat as their first ingredient (preferably meat and not meal) are basically junk food. Nothing wrong with eating an Oreo occasionally but

There’s also the whole ordeal with recalls and repeat offender brands.

Dogs arent meant to eat grain, they lack the teeth to properly break it down and the stomach enzymes to digest it properly. Pit bulls seem to be especially sensitive to it, everyone always asks how our pit’s fur is so shiny and her skin so clear and when I say we feed her grain-free most people just write it off as us

THIS...over and over. Cheap cheap dogfoods are utter garbage and are horrible for your pet. The headline is a gross over-generalization. There are many illnesses and maladies that can be traced DIRECTLY to crappy dog food. This is what my SO does for a living, and has for 15 years. I’ve seen dogs that look like

This is a dangerously incorrect headline. It sounds like you based the entirety of this article on talking with the authors of *one* book. Please either take down the article or talk to more people. All pet foods are definitely not the same, for many more reasons than are cited here. Talk to some vets who specialize

I thought cats were supposed to do “better” on a pure meat diet since they’re carnivores and not quite omnivores like domesticated dogs.

I changed to a brand of cat food made in the US after my “high-quality” brand sent my cat to the vet after a week of double-ending sickness. That bag of reasonably-priced, Made in China cat food wound up costing me $275, and my cat wasn’t too excited about IV fluids. There’s been no problems since the food change,

Three of the four dogs I’ve had have been able to reverse health conditions by eating different (yes, higher grade and more expensive) food. Two of them got skin irritation from eating commercial dog food containing corn. Switching to lamb based kibble or home-made dog food reversed the skin problems. The other had