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    In the cat rescuers, Fancy Feast is indeed referred to as kitty crack! It’s scary and on catinfo.org Dr. Pierson worries what’s in it and so do i. We use it for traps in TNR . Trap neuter return with feral cats.

    You can go to www.catinfo.org . Dr. Lisa Pierson is a well respected Veterinarian and her mission is to stop cats from dying early due to dry kibble diets. Cats are Obligate Carnivores and must eat meat to thrive. Kidney disease and diabetes along with thyroid disorders are at epidemic proportions. Another

    YES. www.catinfo.org saved my cat’s life. ❤️

    Nina Swan. Cats are indeed OBLIGATE Carnivores and must eat all meat to thrive. There are two particular Veterinarians who teach on this subject. A cat forum opened my eyes by sending me to www.catinfo.org written by a Vet by the name of Dr. Lisa Pierson. Do yourself a favor and read the entire paper, which is a

    ZackMckracken licking the front paws all the time is more than lukely an allergy. I had two dogs who did this with one doing it so much she discolored the hair. 2 vets later, i finally found out it was an allergy. Vet suggested i change to lamb and rice supplemented with the excellent dog vitamin by Platinum