
Each of those big hotels along the strip has its own little army of workers that go in/out of the area every day.  If they don’t have one, this year would have been the time to start a park and ride system for their employees that would pick them up at different parking lots around the city and drop them back off

The issue with many people is finding the time to actually take it even if they have close to standard European allotment of PTO. Stupid project schedules often end up being back to back as business users bitch and moan about how if their stuff isn’t deployed by some date they pulled out of their asses, they won’t

I just wish they would put signs up along 60 & 63 indicating when there is a curve ahead.  It would be nice to know when cresting a hill in bad weather that there is a curve as soon as you make it over.  If Arkansas can do it, I don’t know WTF is the problem with MO.  Did they blow their sign budget on all the extra

Aircraft autopilots have been around for decades. The pilot for this autopilot controlled flight apparently only had to apply the brakes at the end.

So what you’re suggesting is that a cop or a friend of a cop obtained a G6 for just $650.  

Like any of the people who were caught like this guy

The route also takes a loop around the Sphere, so the organizers are likely hoping some cool effects on that might draw in some viewers.

Yeah, making assumptions on how warm (or not) a place is just because it’s closer to the equator than your current location can be a big mistake. I visited the San Diego area in April once and was surprised how cool it was even in the day time. I should have just stayed home.

Disney will make tasty chamorros.

I hope you don’t find any hidden presents that Mr Gold Chain forgot to take with him when he vacated the property.

Jealous of Tesla owners in North America or Tesla owners in general?  From what I’ve read, the EU has mandated the type 2 plug for several years now.

That would certainly encourage anti-trust lawsuits. At some point, I’d hope that there would be competing networks using the same charging standard.

The rational way to deal with losing a vehicle to civil asset forfeiture is to ask one of your billionaire nazi-memorabilia-collecting-but-totally-not-racist friends (everyone’s got a least one, right?) to lend you a money to get a vehicle.

It’s also amazing how people in many of these areas have been able to use block heaters for decades with such primitive infrastructure too.

Most of the EVs on the market are very expensive and/or fugly, so it’s not that big of a surprise why they’re not selling like hotcakes. Apartment dwellers whether they are single moms or not are a minority of households in the US, so there are plenty of others that could be in the market for EVs IF they were

Mom and dad won’t let you run an extension cord to run a level 1 charger while you’re doing other stuff for them?

Those people aren’t buying -new- ICE vehicles either

you can drive a gas-powered car on a road trip without any planning

It’s not just the sprawl, it’s the fact that many neighborhoods are designed to be a pain in the ass to travel through in anything other than a car.

Petroleum will still need to be extracted for uses other than producing fuel, so they’ll be able to profit from it for a while and can divert some of that revenue into shoring up their public transit systems.  Essentially make their foreign customers pay for that stuff instead of their citizens.