
There are web sites on how to approach the situation if you believe there is wage discrimination. It has always been the case that people get job reviews and salary negotiations. However, there has always been, since legal protections have been in place, successful cases.

Yeah, it's all fun and games until someone's eye gets put out. A lot of people say they will have no retirement jauntily. That's all well and good to say you will never stop working, but who will hire you?

So you're saying you have an ax to grind?

I don't think she is putting herself on the sword. I don't think it's like a sacrifice, but in leaving, she is concerned about building strong leaders who will work many years and move up. And the problem of having to build up ongoing, growing support and activism among young women. NARAL is about activism. It's not

Here's your words again:

I see that there are a lot of young women working hard.

Using a tone like "While I appreciate Gloria Steinem..."

You can "change the face of feminism." But older women are a big part of it. And you'll experience more bias as you get older. The delicious part is the blaming younger women have for older women. How wrong they are.

You know, NARAL funded several programs for outreach to younger women. Planned Parenthood's outreach is mostly to younger women. Most of the local chapters are staffed with young women just out of college. Ms. magazine doesn't fail to have diverse, worldwide coverage, featuring young women. Gloria Steinem, the only

That's right: the biggest problem facing every non-white woman is white feminists. That's the problem.

There is a current site on current experience worth promoting:

There should be a feminist t-shirt: Women: Just like Regular People.

You should write an essay on this. Seriously.

Yeah, that's doing it: give her a list of things to do.

Ah. The "Meh" generation.

Oh...oh...I was at a tech conference in Seattle where a lady was leading a session on sexism in tech, and she said "I'm not a feminist or anything like that..." I wondered what the "anything like that " meant?

I'm concerned about when younger adults are going to wake up at all. There is a too common "oh-well" attitude. Not all of them. The occupy movement and so forth have a lot of young adults - I'm talking about people in their twenties and early thirties who had a middle class lifestyle.

F: Prepare for a life of guilt. Resistance is futile.

Ok, the fat shaming of the kid is pretty bad..again with the hating on women.

The "sexual" choice you refer to is "alpha dog" choice and has nothing to do with sexual.