It's any wonder why women are straight, what with all the hating on women that goes on.
It's any wonder why women are straight, what with all the hating on women that goes on.
Geeze. I think I saw this lecture on Southpark.
Get your point. I've never heard skinny as a putdown locally. I've heard it as concern about starlets, but when someone has been called skinny the response has been a finger-crocked-in-the-mouth "who, moi?"
Point taken. I do think there is a maturity that kids get when they see their parents in relationship.
Attachment motherhood is some dude's fantasy and S&M to all the women who would pick up on that exquisite guilt and whip themselves. It's not a coincidence that the kids pictured are boys.
Privilege be big crazy. Why are there women here even apologizing? Excusing..."I can't afford" "I can't lactate..."
Tell me you don't press Play on this rant every time you are in a dinner conversation situation or perhaps just standing around with a group of strangers you want to impress with your international education.
You know what I hate? Obituaries that must say something about a person's habits. Like people are amazed that thin people, especially thin, recycling, healthy-eating, hip people can actually get sick. The others..well they "deserved" it is implied.
I don't think they've met the startup Indian women of Silicon Valley who will run over the tech boys like road kill if necessary. They haven't heard that womenz aren't good at tech.
Now: Hallmark announces a line of cards for Asshats: Women ruin everything for mother's day!
Yeah, I don't know how that would work. But it's a preventive idea. Also, if you get colonoscopies, you'd think there would someday be a way to better inspect the tubes over time before something starts growing big up in there. Someday.
Some evolutionary biologists think women have periods to flush out viruses and genetic material on a regular basis so it doesn't cause problems. The tubes are an area that doesn't get that wash on a regular basis, so maybe viruses, old eggs and sperm cause the worst cancers.
Um...they are. The political group I belong to even has "day care" for political meetings.
I do hope you look your little ones in the eye and say: "but for you, I would be able to do anything I like." Geeze. Bitter. Well, at least you have your little excuses in place should you have any regrets in life. It waz your kids that held you back from satisfaction and funz.
I think you can see if you are a feminist - you know, equal rights, supporting women's choices, if you flip the choice of being a stay at home mom to being childless. you think martyr is how to spell mother?
Women who disparage women who don't have kids hate women. They are women haters.
"I feel like Cammy clings so hard to hot and sexy that it comes off as desperate and sad. "
You read Drew Barrymore's Whip It mind.
All of the actresses mentioned are quite different, and it seems to me a case of "they all look alike to me" where there is so much bias. It's like saying a racial group looks all the same to you and you can't tell them apart.