Yes. This.
Yes. This.
The collective imagination about women is pretty limited. If plots are driven by "getting the man", then a woman is useless as a lead. It's as if there are only so many slots for women:
Things I wonder about:
Now, I'd consider that. Although it is still 50 shades of crap. However, those two, wearing little, and reading menus would be something to watch for an hour and a half.
Of course she is named Anastasia.
Just full of no. You know that will be a bucket of crap if produced. He needs better material. Pam would kill him deader than when he screwed up his highlights.
The headline for this story is perfect. I thought the University of Washington had reached a low point for this pocket-bra creation. There were a lot of creative business ideas entered into the contest, but the news agencies only pick up the bra one. This is what people think of when they think of young women forming…
I think the managers took a look at Kathy and Chelsea and so forth and said: let's do that, Whitney is sass-shay.
There are so many talented women: however if they aren't in the "haut" age group they don't get deals. They just throw money after money at a certain tiny group.
She sort of retired: met a guy with money, got knocked up, may have married him, quit being professionally active....
I went to the Dr's site to analyze my tweets (or shall I say "It happened that my tweets were analyzed...).
Listen, Alex Asshat. I do work in engineering. You know, one of those fields you say women don't get into...Women get paid less. Women get less advancement opportunities. This is regardless of whether they have children or not.
Louis just told her he's single and ready to negotiate for piece.
I think they were trying to avoid the "Knocked Up" commentary on how such a "haut" woman would love a shlubby guy.
Say what you will about Oprah, but she created her business. She certainly didn't have it handed to her.
I wondered if this was a multiple choice test. Where is 4. None of the Above?
Well, true. Except in Barrymore's case, it wasn't Daddy getting her a job - he's asking her for money - and she's paid her dues and taken risks.
A funny thing about the poster: One wears pants on the end, but sleeveless; one wears shorts or a skirt on the end, but sleeves...
Asshat conservatives want all women to think "a man is a plan." A man is a life plan, a financial plan, and, in the case of Mormonism, a wife gets to heaven through her husband. In fact in formal temple weddings, the groom pulls the bride through a veil to symbolize this.
everything, and I mean everything is changing for most everyone at every age. and it's not just a generational bitching thing - it is more expensive for young people because instead of raising taxes or getting corporations to pay their fair share, they cut funding to universities (as they cut public schools too, the…