
There is some Uncle Tomism here. When she says that just simply asking the question could be stifling, that is reinforcing cultural fear and reinforcing the message that if you dare, dare, say anything or openly oppose bias and gender bullying/bias directly - even saying it exists - that something bad will rain down

Yeah, ditto. It's kind of like hoodies cause people to shoot you. You know, if you look bias in the eye, the very act of seeing and mentioning it causes it to happen to you. It's like putting the covers over your head so the night monster won't get you. And people are really to blame if they go out wearing hoodies

Here's some questions:

Yeah. I hate those headlines of "I GOT MY BODY BACK!"

Considering that we are all perfect skeletons after we die, why is the worst thing in the world for a girl to take up space while she is alive?

Yeah, MissPennyWhistle. It would be great to see a woman break out of that equation where there has to be three guys to one woman in casting. I hope it's not another Whitney. As Margaret Cho and others have shown, there's a great danger of just being packaged on sitcoms to that segment that is sort of afraid of a

Yes. It makes you believe in the goodness of the world. Pain is overrated. You are not more evolved to want more of it and you are not more evolved the more "natural" you give birth. And this competitive birthing thing some women get into is a bunch of crap.

There should be a Hallmark card for that.

Seriously. And tylenol...they should just give you M&Ms.


Perfect picture for the story above. It illustrates that Komen is willing to sell out for the cause, sell out women for a kiss from that guy from the "right" family. Also, it was too precious that "the Ambassador" (yes, she still makes you call her that Bush appointment she got) dissolved into tears after getting a

Ditto. And Julian Assange and that James Carville.

Huh? Because Rosie is neither alone in the kitchen, nor straight-and-being-cheated-on, nor not getting any. She has a houseful of kids, is rich, and has a fiance.

Ya heard of "Daddy Issues?" Here's "Mommy Issues." Funny, you could do a two frame cartoon:

If the couple wants that deal where one divorcing party continues to support the other to be a stay at home parent, then they should put it in writing. It is not the case that if when the divorce happens, the stay at home arrangement is something the other spouse should be made to support. If they had a kid, yes, the

Or if they inherit or stand to inherit certain things. Say you have antiques or art you've inherited or something. why should you have to sell it and split the receipts? In this case, sometimes I'd argue that some things are joint assets. In any case, I can understand the heart ache over selling what is a family

School debt is some scary stuff. I don't know exactly how it would work in a divorce, because they can take your Social Security when you get ready to retire to pay it back. These laws happened fairly recently, but it's due to be a rude awakening. Also only one ex-wife gets the social security and I think has to be

Ah, the poor cat. The cat needs a prenup. Clearly.

I think it gets down to asking ourselves whether legally, people who are married are basically room mates or something else. As you can read here, men can wreck the other spouse a lot and it's just not the stereotyped woman who "did nothing" to earn the money. I know of a friend whose ex went out and bought a boat

I think that people who want to get a marriage license should be forced to look at a video (aka sonogram) on the legal implications of marriage, prenups, and the like.