
Would he have made that Rhianna joke about Taylor Swift? What unholy shitstorm would that have loosed?

That people think that's a reasonable assumption is the problem. Black people have aspects of their own lives that do not revolve around white people. If you can make a movie about Egypt full of white people then you can make a biopic about Jesse Owens and focus on him, his family & friends and the black people whom

I can see that. At least this version isn't some belligerent gang member.

Even the two crooks had their own reasons for signing on but Jefferson was like "Save the world? Pass." He was just poorly motivated in my view. I mean a time-traveling adventurer and a group of super powered heroes/rogues sounds exceptional to me but I guess I'm easily impressed. lol.

I guess. It's just wearying that EVERY black character is an athlete or an ex-con or relegated so some cliched sidekick role with no interesting characterization. Just a collection of tired tropes.

What's that guy Ray Stevenson played the Punisher. He'd be good. But I guess Marvel owns him, huh?

I think someone explained to me there was a logistical problem with the Flash incarnation of Jason Rusch which is why there's a different character and actor in LoT. But your comment goes to my point that so much of the character is an afterthought.

I get how TV bullets can't go through cover but how come a "laser gun" can't penetrate a rusty wagon wheel? And how can "thermite grenades" threaten a time traveling space ship? You can throw grenades at a navy frigate till Arbor Day and you MIGHT scratch the paint. Can't Gideon raise the shields if the ship is under

"Martin Stein drugging Jax, kidnapping him, and forcing him to join him
on a dangerous mission through time is a really horrible thing to do and
makes him look like an awful person. Victor Garber is great as Martin
and clearly having a wonderful time acting in this heightened setting,
but that is a seriously

As I said, I did that when I was an ignorant teen and had to unlearn the behavior. I'm hardly advocating doing so now. Why are you so invested in trying to do whatever it is you think you're doing?

" (of a person) naive or inept, esp. socially."

Great premiere and solid review. The writing staff is on it this season. I was wondering about Wilkes' fate and now you've solved that mystery so at least I had a day to fret:) Still, I'm happy to see he'll be back. He's quite charming and he and Hayley have great chemistry.

That photo is whiter than a member of the Harvard crew team in a LL.Bean catalog photo shoot on St. Patrick's Day.

Segregation is why there are no black people in your neighborhood. This is just about making a TV show. And no one is saying ONLY black people should run such a show. What we're saying is that running a show about the lived experience of black people with little to no input from actual black people is a fool's errand.

I'm conflicted. I'm happy the sister is working to get her vision out there but I too am a little slavery fatigued. It's not like white people are going to learn anything from this. That said, I imagine it was harder to be enslaved than to watch a show about enslaved peoples. Just goes to show you how creative

I understand the instinct to dance with you brung you and I'm all for rewarding talent but better to trust that talent's eye and have them shepherd new projects with fresh writers than dumping everything on one guy's plate. S2 of Fargo improved markedly by virtue of Hawley spreading the workload around. Everybody cant

"promising high school football star Jax Jackson"

What does the writer's room look like?

A Chinese person mastering a Chinese martial art, mythical or otherwise, is rooted in Chinese literature/culture/tradition. What's stereotypical is the manner in which Hollywood has historically portrayed Asian characters of this type.

What about any of the things you mentioned necessitates Rand being portrayed by a white actor? Rand can't be the orphaned son of a wealthy Chinese businessman who is discovered by the inhabitants of a mythical city, masters Kung Fu and defeats a goddamn dragon? Like only white guys know how to do that? Come on.