
What this show represents is a greater opportunity to subvert the tired White Savior trope not for the sake of promoting diversity but to just tell better stories. We've seen enough of the great white hope mastering the ways of the inscrutable foreigners. Let's try something new. TBH, there's no reason not to cast an

The sunny super fun hour vibe of the show is fine. And if it ain't broke… so I get that it's basically Flash with a female lead but if you're stopping a speeding train with your bare hands you can't struggle forcing open the doors on that train and you can fly. In space. That means escape velocity. You're not going to

tl;dr White people show up, kill everyone and take everything. The end.

Who was that one nerd on Youtube who pitched a Coppola in Godfather II level of thematic and character development that made TPM sound like Citizen Kane in space? It was long but at the end of it you were like, "Why didn't George Lucas just let this guy write the movie."?

The STORY of the prequels was always compelling. It was the execution that was lacking.

You just can't help yourselves can you? White people just have to contrive a way to make everything about you even when the entire point is it's not all about you?

*logs onto Hulu to watch episode.

"wuxia-inspired samurai series"? It's not a food truck.

1st TV Exec: "Let's have a martial arts show but white, you know?"
2nd TV Exec: "Yeah, the star can be Asian but not ASIAN Asian.
1st TV Exec: "What if he were Chinese but like didn't even speak Chinese?"
2nd TV Exec: "Brilliant. There don't even need to be any other Asians in it."
1st TV Exec: "Raises all around?"

This sounds like he just parked his car and got a call from his agent informing him the network had just purchased something like whatever he originally was going to pitch and he saw a grape, a landscaping truck and an ad for Sierra Mist on his way to reception.

I like the authenticity of this show. Some of the things may sound hyperbolic but LA really is full of people like Jimmy and Gretchen and Lynsay and Rob and Lexi and (God help us) Improv people. Another thing, and this is weird thing to say, but I appreciate how the show doesn't fake "diversity" cast like most shows.

When I first heard the description of the show I hated it on general principle and the clips I saw online did nothing to change my opinion. That said, I thought the actress playing Lindsay was cute so I watched it once online and after every subsequent episode I find myself saying, "Wow. That was really, really good."

I wonder if it was something she learned at a yoga retreat and was trying to incorporate it into her life plan or whatever. It sounded too rehearsed. Everything else: the blathering about this club and that hip LA activity and their unending WPP rang true but that speech sounded like a writer writing which may have

Yeah, the mental health aspect of Gretchen's character felt backgrounded even as she was engaging in clearly disturbed behaviors. It's one thing to wonder about the road not taken but she seemed reeeeeally close to a suit made from Lexi's skin. I mean a forlorn look or a hug held a little too long is fine but who

I will admit I was wrong about how entertaining this show is but while well written and acted and sometimes lol funny it's not really as innovative as the reviewer seems to think. I've seen that Gretchen signature meltdown scene on at least a half dozen other sitcoms and a comedic take on serious, topical issues has

I've hated this show from the start… but this was an entertaining half hour of television and Lindsay in her skivvies filled my heart with jizz.

Great ep but yeah. What kind of hacker shows up on the referral of a RUSSIAN political operative to trade state secrets for cash and doesn't have some kind of data encryption contingency to keep himself from getting garroted and dumped in a landfill?

Great recap but "white people listening to jazz" to show how sophisticated and complicated they are is as hoary a trope as I've ever seen.

As opposed to the socially inept billionaires that help the LAPD cover up crimes? I'm not sure if I'm joking or not and I'm afraid to do any Googling on the subject.

Agent Jet Ripstick?